The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Got any evidence that 12.5 million illegal immigrants voted in 2016? That’s Newfie’s claim. I don’t see many illegal immigrants registering to vote in SF, they tend to keep a low profile when it comes to government interactions.
You said, "Got any evidence of illegals voting?" and I showed you evidence.

Nobody knows how many are here or how many are voting... Not even you. :teethy:


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Since I touched on the City of San Francisco...

San Francisco’s mayor won’t crack down on people using city as an outdoor toilet

According to a recent NBC Bay Area investigation, an alarming amount of trash, used drug needles and feces are clogging San Francisco’s streets.

Who has time to crack down on the louts who are littering the streets with hypodermic needles or defecating in public? Someone, somewhere might be using a plastic straw! Priorities, people! :laughing:


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Since I touched on the City of San Francisco...

San Francisco’s mayor won’t crack down on people using city as an outdoor toilet

According to a recent NBC Bay Area investigation, an alarming amount of trash, used drug needles and feces are clogging San Francisco’s streets.

Who has time to crack down on the louts who are littering the streets with hypodermic needles or defecating in public? Someone, somewhere might be using a plastic straw! Priorities, people! :laughing:
lots of pools

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
you didnt answer the question you responded to. how many of the 25 russians were for influencing the election
All of them, you think they hacked the DNC and disseminated damaging information for fun? You think the Russians set up a troll farm to comment divisive nonsense for fun?


Well-Known Member


Just a turd
Since I touched on the City of San Francisco...

San Francisco’s mayor won’t crack down on people using city as an outdoor toilet

According to a recent NBC Bay Area investigation, an alarming amount of trash, used drug needles and feces are clogging San Francisco’s streets.

Who has time to crack down on the louts who are littering the streets with hypodermic needles or defecating in public? Someone, somewhere might be using a plastic straw! Priorities, people! :laughing:

This thread is supposed to be about Russia and Trump if you could keep it on topic, and take your xenophobic and anti San Francisco diatribes to the proper threads it would be appreciated...Thanks for your cooperation


Well-Known Member
Looks like someone is trying to save face.
The Republican party is now exclusively owned by Donald Trump but Donald Trump does not own Robert Mueller or Rod Rosenstein . if he is absolved of all wrong doing he will in turn place the GOP in a position of uncontested power for the next 25 years or based on the outcome of the Mueller investigation it could be the complete opposite.


Well-Known Member
The Republican party is now exclusively owned by Donald Trump but Donald Trump does not own Robert Mueller or Rod Rosenstein . if he is absolved of all wrong doing he will in turn place the GOP in a position of uncontested power for the next 25 years or based on the outcome of the Mueller investigation it could be the complete opposite.
butthurt 8.jpg


Well-Known Member
If you're referring to me I can tell you plenty about Russian history. And I'm not saying they're going to be a great ally. But working towards getting along should be our goal. You may have not noticed but who are two of our staunchest allies since WWII? The problem right now is Democrats are using mistrust of Russia as a political tool. They think it plays well in Peoria. Instead of offering real world solutions to improve American lives they are playing political games. Russian collusion. Mistreatment of immigrant children. It's all smoke and mirrors for a group of people who are more interested in lining their pockets while promoting a far Left agenda. Bacha's named some great things Dems have done in the past. What have they done lately? The economy is moving because a heavy tax burden and restrictive regulations designed to punish business have been removed. The Dems are so beholden to the far Left that they're willing to hurt the average family to keep the extremists happy. And guys like bbsam are too partisan to admit the truth. Do I think the Republicans are perfect? Hell no, they'd end Social Security in a heartbeat if they could get away with it. But they are the party of business and thus jobs. Dems in a couple of locations are experimenting with free income. Just give people a stipend. When will they ever learn?