The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member
Nope, Obama refused to give them weapons. The Ukrainians received anti-tank missiles from us in May.
So the assistance Obama sent had no value?

Check out how much the US sends Israel annually and then you’ll see just how much the US doesn’t give a damn.


Well-Known Member
You don’t find it funny that Trump is parroting the line that the media is the ‘enemy of the people’ ?


he's never said that ,not that it matters for your narrative.

he did coin the heavily copied expression fake news.

and....the media has been more then happy to comply by providing him many examples of fake news.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Not impressive considering what is given to Israel every year. A country NOT at war with Russia.

its a billion more then Obama was doing which is the point you originally responded to. As good Russian haters that you libs claim to be you should be ecstatic that Trump is doing so much to counter Russia in the Ukraine. instead you try some weak ass crap about Israel