The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Most people would just choose to not watch something they think is biased. Crybaby trumpflakes choose to cry about how everyone is against them....
You mean as opposed to all the liberal snowflakes who have cried over FOX even existing? Y'all can't control the message anymore, there's your problem. And I see liberal Congressmen and Senators on FOX all the time defending their positions. Won't see that with conservatives on MSNBC. And MSNBC doesn't have a hard news hour like FOX does nor does it have, nor does anyone else, a journalist like Chris Wallace who asks very hard, biting questions of literally everyone. He just asked Putin in Helsinki why it was that all his political opponents and many journalists in Russia keep turning up dead. I doubt Wallace is walking around without a security team right now.
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Well-Known Member
No, not opposed to, identical to.
You're a bunch of crybabies.
We just point out the obvious, that the liberal media can no longer get away with influencing how people view see the world without a counterbalance that shows people the direction they're being lead. And it's highly effective.


Inordinately Right
Said nothing about the lawsuit which resulted in the children having to be separated which resulted in this. It was legislated from bench, by democrat judges.

It was the first video I clicked on having to do with cnn, they are either very incompetent at their job or have a severe bias.
I literally couldn't care less.
Stop watching that garbage it's rotting your brain.

El Correcto

god is dead
I'm dumb?
You're the guy watching news he thinks is fake.... what kind of dummy would waste his time with that?

Wake up, you've fallen for the conservative media's games. They're lying to you, and you eat it up.
I was having a discussion with you, which is probably a bigger waste of time. You proposed that it’s Faux News vs MSLSD. I told you CNN is hard left bias and then first story I clicked on was a hard left bias. I can tell because they didn’t present all the facts on the first point they were trying to make.

You just can’t handle that leftist own more media sources than right wingers. Not sure why, this is fact.


Well-Known Member
Are we not going to discuss the clear liberal ties in mainstream media?

These people are not objective journalists and deserve every bit of criticism they receive.

CNN/FOX/MSNBC are garbage, they’re businesses whose business model literally depends on manufacturing outrage.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater though, there’s plenty of objective journalism out there, you just need to be a responsible consumer.

It’s the cry of Autocrats that all media is fake, so much easier to just listen to daddy-king-Trump that only he alone has the answers.

I’m not talking about you specifically, but sooo many folks buying into Trump’s nonsense about the media.

Sure, CNN is biased garbage, like FOX, but FOX is Trump’s propo-mouthpiece...don’t see him calling FOX the enemy of the people.

Dictator 101, sad.