The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
14 days for Papadop, why even bother with jail time so short? $9,500 fine isn’t chump change but is a drop in the bucket compared to his legal fees. Trump seemed to take this as a good sign, he might be a little off his rocker.


Well-Known Member
Manafort was in the room where it happened.

He also forfeited enough money to keep the Mueller investigation going for another two years at no cost to the taxpayers.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Trump declassifies documents related to Russia probe - NBC News

President Donald Trump is declassifying a trove of documents related to the early days of the FBI's Russia investigation, including portions of a secret surveillance warrant and former FBI Director James Comey's text messages.

Trump is making the extraordinary move in response to calls from his allies in Congress who say they believe the Russia investigation was tainted by anti-Trump bias within the ranks of the FBI and Justice Department.


nowhere special
President Donald Trump is declassifying a trove of documents related to the early days of the FBI's Russia investigation, including portions of a secret surveillance warrant and former FBI Director James Comey's text messages.

Trump is making the extraordinary move in response to calls from his allies in Congress who say they believe the Russia investigation was tainted by anti-Trump bias within the ranks of the FBI and Justice Department.

What has already been released strongly indicates it was. With all this being released there are going to be a lot of nervous people at the FBI and DOJ. They have seemed to be more concerned with protecting themselves and covering up their own misconduct than investigating crimes.