Ask locals there if they are treated well by Russians. Ask Russians if they're treated well by locals(speaking of all the former Soviet republics). Grudges in that part of the world go back centuries. Think about your own experience. Are there blacks who hate whites with a passion because of what was done to blacks here over hundreds of years? Read a blog of a woman traveler in what is now North Macedonia. She was warned not to go to Albania because of how dangerous they were. Albanians warned her the same about Macedonians. When I was in Kazakhstan I was warned to stay out of Kyrgyzstan because it was extremely dangerous. He was shocked in an email that I not only went but really liked it. It's not the U.S.Doubtful any of that is true.
So called Russian's and so called Ukranians marry freely, live lives happily, raise families.
Seriously what the hell is the difference, could it be worse than the left and right in our country?
Putin wants Ukraine, he wants the Socialist Republic revived, not so difficult to understand, bits and pieces.
That is my understanding.
He covets what was lost, time will bear this statement out.
Book it.