The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Now think of all the suffering bc of higher gas prices bc of nato expansion bc it was good for military industrial complex
We've got plenty if oil. Think of all the needless suffering because Leftists are restricting access to oil in the name of fighting climate change. End Left wing progressive takeover of the Democratic Party!


Well-Known Member
We've got plenty if oil. Think of all the needless suffering because Leftists are restricting access to oil in the name of fighting climate change. End Left wing progressive takeover of the Democratic Party!
Pelosi and schumer, biden control the party and theyre not leftists


Well-Known Member
End the war


Well-Known Member
Putinistas, all.

Any wonder my account is throttled when Putin starts a war?

Not the first time.

This place is a comfort zone for traitors, Nazis and Russian apologists, not to mention conspiracy nuts.

If BC is not afraid, stop the constraints on my account. Sissies, or pusillanimous, I guess that's allowed, just not sissy.


Well-Known Member
Putinistas, all.

Any wonder my account is throttled when Putin starts a war?

Not the first time.

This place is a comfort zone for traitors, Nazis and Russian apologists, not to mention conspiracy nuts.

If BC is not afraid, stop the constraints on my account. Sissies, or pusillanimous, I guess that's allowed, just not sissy.
Ask @tonyexpress He's one of the owners of the site and pushing a pro Putin narrative.


Well-Known Member
Putinistas, all.

Any wonder my account is throttled when Putin starts a war?

Not the first time.

This place is a comfort zone for traitors, Nazis and Russian apologists, not to mention conspiracy nuts.

If BC is not afraid, stop the constraints on my account. Sissies, or pusillanimous, I guess that's allowed, just not sissy.
We don't agree on much, we agree on Putin however.

I appreciate a person passionate about their beliefs.

Anyone can make whatever they choose to of my last statement.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Putin isn't a crocodile. He doesn't want to eat us. He wants Ukraine not to have missiles pointed at Moscow.

Stop playing call of duty. Not everything is ww2.

Or ww3.

Illogical statement..what is the difference if NATO had missiles in Ukraine compared to Poland..we can still find Moscow anywhere and anyhow.

The big package

Well-Known Member
I remember a day when we were actually worried and concerned about North Korea firing missiles off and not being terrified of Russia . Trump fixed these problems ! Now they're firing missiles off again and Russia gives us the finger as we continue to fund this war by buying oil off of them and nobody seems to notice , nobody seems to care . These are all signs that the rest of the world finds America to be very weak right now , very vulnerable !!!