The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
I noticed the sky was blue.

The grass is green.

We wanted a new Ukraine regime and all of a sudden they had one that wanted to join NATO.

Coincidence are amazing, yes?
More :bsbullf: from you that says absolutely nothing.
I hope you're laying a trap for me, if not you have failed miserably.


Well-Known Member
More :bsbullf: from you that says absolutely nothing.
I hope you're laying a trap for me, if not you have failed miserably.
Life is full of amazing things in boomer land.

The CIA wants a thing to happen. That thing does, in fact, happen.

And the CIA had nothing to do with it.

Amazing! Boomer-land!


Well-Known Member
And this CIA information comes from where, your secret decoder ring?

El Correcto

god is dead
So let's say Ukraine makes it out of this. Is everyone who fled just gonna stroll on back like "Thanks guys. Glad you stuck around to fight." Honestly everyone who stayed should maintain exclusive rights and privileges, including voting, and preferential selection for things like jobs. Things returning refugees would have to forfeit.
Yes. Unless you’re elderly, infirm, a mother or child you should be picking up a rifle or a pointed stick, not fleeing your country.


Well-Known Member
Hey sporty, good to hear from you.
We don't agree on much but are civil and give each other a poke here and there.

I miss sparring with you, it's not a good thing silencing views, I was extended grace my hope is @cheryl will give you another chance.

Just be less of a prick than I am.
We argued all the time yet you never felt the need to block me, I salute you for that. :salute:


Well-Known Member
Pelosi and schumer connect the bribes to the candidates and cut them off if they dont tow the line. thats not leftist. biden hasnt done too much as prez. No student debt write down, no min wage increase, no green new deal.

In other words you think Leftism is about giving free stuff to the masses. And if you don't get free stuff, and lots of it, you pout and burn things. With no penalties for doing so. I think you should look up anarchy. A cousin of Leftists.


Well-Known Member
The United States does, and we were in the process of making Ukraine our puppet state
Baloney. Why not just put nukes in Eastern Europe then? We haven't. We don't need Ukraine to be close to Moscow. A few extra seconds? We have nuclear subs that will annihilate Russia in a matter of minutes. We've got no concerns about Russia getting the drop on us and destroying us before we can respond. Why not just admit the obvious? Europe is prosperous. Open. Free. Russia isn't. Ukraine wants prosperity. It doesn't want to be dominated. The West sees a potential market to trade with. Russia sees a servant that it can dominate. With no tolerance for anything other than subservience. What Putin and the oligarchs don't want is a free, open, and prosperous neighbor that rose out of the ashes of communism. 143 million Russians might get restless, wondering why they can't do the same.


Well-Known Member
Now that is the admission of stupidity I was looking for.

We wanted Ukraine Regime Change. We were capable of Ukraine regime change. And yet we didn't do it. The people of Ukraine did it all by their preciouse, George-Washington-loving selves.

lolol. You're worse than Alex Jones.
So tell me why Obama was caught on a hot microphone telling the Russian president to ask Vladimir to be patient? Obama didn't arm the Ukrainians and stood by while Putin took the Crimean Peninsula, invaded the Donbas, and installed a puppet in Kiev. The Ukrainians rebelled against that. They rejected Moscow. Obama sure didn't help them. If it was an American backed coup why didn't Obama give them much greater capability to defend themselves? And the shelling of fellow Ukrainians? Russian backed separatists who were rebelling against their own country. They may be ethnically Russians but they are Ukrainian citizens. They forced many thousands of ethnic Ukrainians to flee their homes. During that same timeframe there were more Mexicans killed by cartels in Mexico. A lot more. So save us the righteous indignation defending Moscow backed rebels.


Well-Known Member
In other words you think Leftism is about giving free stuff to the masses. And if you don't get free stuff, and lots of it, you pout and burn things. With no penalties for doing so. I think you should look up anarchy. A cousin of Leftists.
Any good anarchist will tell you power is the problem

Its common sense...

but the matrix is pervasive so u can understand why ppl would want more centraluzation of power