The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
To the Ppl who parrot msm talking point about ukraine wanting to join nato, i say just say no!

Say no to drugs and alcohol


El Correcto

god is dead
When I send a guy into being a broken record, I win.

There is nothing wrong with Ukraine wanting to join nato. Just understand that we installed the current government so that they would do that
The only thing the west did wrong is not intervening against Putin and sending Russian boys home in body bags.

El Correcto

god is dead
I’d rather see all the world burn in nuclear hellfire than watch a single democracy or ally fall to authoritarians in Russia or China. Both sides of my family lost good men who established/protected those democracies from falling into authoritarianism. It’s mutually assured destruction grow a :censored2:ing spine and be willing to face your fate if they want to :censored2: around and find out.