The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Bad Moon Risen'
Comey is walking a fine line here . If he says the wrong thing , he can find himself behind bars for lying .
Here is a guy looking for a job and will play to the DC crowd anyway he can to get a new job.
It's not about truth , but how he can make Trump look bad while still making himself look good .
Trump looks bad all by himself. He doesn't need any help from the outside.


Well-Known Member
Comey is walking a fine line here . If he says the wrong thing , he can find himself behind bars for lying .
Here is a guy looking for a job and will play to the DC crowd anyway he can to get a new job.
It's not about truth , but how he can make Trump look bad while still making himself look good .
That's ridiculous. He's not looking for a job as much as a vacation.

I didn't always agree with his judgement, but his character was never in question.

Comey will not perjure himself, because he doesn't lie.

Trump, on the other hand...

Did you read Comey's written statement?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
even in something to make trump look bad, clinton comes out looking very bad again and we know comey is a leaker


Bad Moon Risen'

I took a leek in the produce aisle of Pick-N-Save last week.


Well-Known Member
Most of us already knew Trump was/is a liar. My only concern is whether he knows he's not telling the truth or actually believes what he bloviates.
I have no doubt that he believes everything he says.

That is worrisome.

As my late mother in law would have said...'the boy ain't right'.