The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
You mean the DNC working for Hillary and giving her questions before the debates?
Do you mean Donna Brazile telling HRC before a debate in Flint, MI that one of the questions will be about the water? OMFG.

Hey Hillary, you are in Iowa today, they like corn and ethanol subsidies, they will ask about that. Be ready.

Yeah, that's the same as Russian hacking.

I thought you were better...


Nine Lives
Do you mean Donna Brazile telling HRC before a debate in Flint, MI that one of the questions will be about the water? OMFG.

Hey Hillary, you are in Iowa today, they like corn and ethanol subsidies, they will ask about that. Be ready.

Yeah, that's the same as Russian hacking.

I thought you were better...
Apparently your thinking sucks! :innocent:

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
In other words, they are free to smother and abort the democratic process.
Were you upset that the libertarian primaries resulted in Gary Johnson again? Oh wait, there were only 4 states that even had a libertarian primary and 1 caucus. There's an abortion of the democratic process for you.


Nine Lives
Were you upset that the libertarian primaries resulted in Gary Johnson again? Oh wait, there were only 4 states that even had a libertarian primary and 1 caucus. There's an abortion of the democratic process for you.
I voted for Gary ...



Well-Known Member
I'm a bit too drunk to get into the details but if you actually believe that Russia rigged the election... you haven't considered the implications at all, at least I hope you haven't.

How hard can it be to believe that people didn't vote for Hillary The Drunk? Do you guys go out at all? Talk to other people? The whole Russia thing is a desperate grasping for straws.


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit too drunk to get into the details but if you actually believe that Russia rigged the election... you haven't considered the implications at all, at least I hope you haven't.

How hard can it be to believe that people didn't vote for Hillary The Drunk? Do you guys go out at all? Talk to other people? The whole Russia thing is a desperate grasping for straws.
Or the Drumpf voters are just too ignorant (stupid) to realize they've been conned.
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Well-Known Member
I'm a bit too drunk to get into the details but if you actually believe that Russia rigged the election... you haven't considered the implications at all, at least I hope you haven't.

How hard can it be to believe that people didn't vote for Hillary The Drunk? Do you guys go out at all? Talk to other people? The whole Russia thing is a desperate grasping for straws.


golden ticket member
It's on par for NYT and WAPO but most newspapers just report the news except for the Editorial Page.
The Atlanta Journal/Constitution leans left but I feel they report the news well.
Politics is a crap shoot though.
I only get Sunday's paper....for the coupons and TV schedule.......the rest is used to wrap up the crap I strip off the corn.