The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


nowhere special
The local paper here was mostly only good as fish wrap but they changed the format to much smaller pages and even cheaper paper so wasn't even good for that any more. Plus they raised the prices so I cancelled my subscription.


Nine Lives
The local paper here was mostly only good as fish wrap but they changed the format to much smaller pages and even cheaper paper so wasn't even good for that any more. Plus they raised the prices so I cancelled my subscription.
Only time I read a newspaper is when traveling and it is USA Today when motels have them for no additional cost.


golden ticket member
The local paper here was mostly only good as fish wrap but they changed the format to much smaller pages and even cheaper paper so wasn't even good for that any more. Plus they raised the prices so I cancelled my subscription.
My news pages used to be rectangular and now they're square.


Well-Known Member
Or the Drumpf voters are just too ignorant (stupid) to realize they've been conned.

Do you mean conned by Russia? I was implying that you'd have to be mentally deficient to believe Russia rigged the election. Aside from the media, just think about it. Russia, our pseudo-rival, a non-threat, controlled our election? Russia is the boogeyman that the media feeds to boomers but, in modern geopolitics, it's nothing, it's our pretend rival but we both play for the same team. Who says Russia didn't elect Obama too? Because the TV says Trump did?

Politics aside, believing the election was hacked by Russia is tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist nonsense. I live in a Democrat :censored2:hole and the support for Trump was obvious. At our hub, same thing. Alex Jones has more sense than that. The left is just digging their own grave.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean conned by Russia? I was implying that you'd have to be mentally deficient to believe Russia rigged the election. Aside from the media, just think about it. Russia, our pseudo-rival, a non-threat, controlled our election? Russia is the boogeyman that the media feeds to boomers but, in modern geopolitics, it's nothing, it's our pretend rival but we both play for the same team. Who says Russia didn't elect Obama too? Because the TV says Trump did?

Politics aside, believing the election was hacked by Russia is tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist nonsense. I live in a Democrat :censored2:hole and the support for Trump was obvious. At our hub, same thing. Alex Jones has more sense than that. The left is just digging their own grave.
First of all, the only person to have claimed the election was rigged was Drumpf himself. Secondly every US intelligence agency has confirmed that Russia was behind the hacking. You'd have to be mentally deficient to believe everyone is wrong and Drumpf is right.


Inordinately Right
First of all, the only person to have claimed the election was rigged was Drumpf himself. Secondly every US intelligence agency has confirmed that Russia was behind the hacking. You'd have to be mentally deficient to believe everyone is wrong and Drumpf is right.
Fake news.
You have to go directly to DJ's twitter to get real news.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Do you mean conned by Russia? I was implying that you'd have to be mentally deficient to believe Russia rigged the election. Aside from the media, just think about it. Russia, our pseudo-rival, a non-threat, controlled our election? Russia is the boogeyman that the media feeds to boomers but, in modern geopolitics, it's nothing, it's our pretend rival but we both play for the same team. Who says Russia didn't elect Obama too? Because the TV says Trump did?

Politics aside, believing the election was hacked by Russia is tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist nonsense. I live in a Democrat :censored2:hole and the support for Trump was obvious. At our hub, same thing. Alex Jones has more sense than that. The left is just digging their own grave.
One thing is for certain: this has to come to an end. Soon. The country cannot withstand 4 years of this. Drumpf is self-destructing and is taking everyone with him. Pretty soon, even Republicans will see this.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


Staff member
Do you mean conned by Russia? I was implying that you'd have to be mentally deficient to believe Russia rigged the election. Aside from the media, just think about it. Russia, our pseudo-rival, a non-threat, controlled our election? Russia is the boogeyman that the media feeds to boomers but, in modern geopolitics, it's nothing, it's our pretend rival but we both play for the same team. Who says Russia didn't elect Obama too? Because the TV says Trump did?

Politics aside, believing the election was hacked by Russia is tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist nonsense. I live in a Democrat :censored2:hole and the support for Trump was obvious. At our hub, same thing. Alex Jones has more sense than that. The left is just digging their own grave.
Oh stop. Who cares about the election hacking? Nobody believes it caused the election to be lost (except Hillary). The real damage will be when the investigation hits Trumps conflicts of interest with Russia and his business dealings. You know. The reason he hides his tax returns.
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Well-Known Member
Do you think the United States of America is capable of rigging a foreign election if we really wanted to?

Yes, as I believe we live in the modern iteration of a global empire. Nations have always influenced eachother's elections or political process for thousands of years. That's nothing new. But it's a long stretch to say Russia is calling the shots. Why not Israel?

Oh stop. Who cares about the election hacking? Nobody believes it caused the election to be lost (except Hillary). The real damage will be when the investigation hits Trumps conflicts of interest with Russia and his business dealings. You know. The reason he hides his tax returns.

The media narrative is that Hillary lost because Russia made Trump win and it's used a precedent to relentlessly attack him as if he was an impostor.

Funny ... I thought it was the MSM and Democrats who were self-destructing! :weird:

They are. A hard shift to the political right and a restructuring of the establishment occurs every 4 generations. We're right on schedule (Strauss Howe Generational Theory). Disclaimer; I never post sober.