
Well-Known Member
Actually got all my stops on truck done today... Didn't touch the 75 that were on another trailer I was supposed to pick up on area though. :lol:


cap'n crunch
Last year there were 2 managers in my old department that got demoted and transferred because they missed trailers full of packages and hid that fact on their reports.

dookie stain

Cornfed whiteboy
I’m not sure what an average peak day is trailer wise...but I heard today that we didn’t process 25 trailers....people are flying in from all over the country to help


Never bought my own handtruck
Outside of Peak we run 24-30.

During Peak we go as high as 45-47.

Wow, that is truly amazing.

We are not working this Saturday but if we were it would be for hours only. I don't know of any drivers here who would want to demand their 8 on a Saturday.

We know, a buncha spineless bastids.

I had an out of sync misload yesterday-----sent it in and the air driver met me to run it off within a half hour.



Well-Known Member
He was in his car heading home and went back in to help? No balls. Why answer your phone?

I have a problem working Saturday whether it’s 13 minutes or 13 hours. I am a Monday through Friday driver and it is not my responsibility to bail management out when they continuously make poor decisions. Especially when they treat me like a dog turd 12 months a year.

I agree. There is no such thing as peak anymore. It's the same year round now. Which is why I think the union should toughen up and have the 9.5 grievance rule/pay be enacted all year long for us.

If they have to work us long during the holidays so be it, but is it really any different nowadays from say between February to mid November? They are cutting routes all year when the volume thins out and you are going out loaded regardless.
The union higher ups have to be simply stupid if they let this language be left in the new contract to come next year.
The company wants to work us that long then make them pay for it as they are making an obscene amount of money off of are lost personal/family time and physical wear down.
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Well-Known Member
We have up to 8 that can be parked on our MDU.

Our center has been making sweeps of our bulk pickups to get the work back and processed. I normally pickup 150-200 from the UPS Store—-yesterday I had 30.


Well-Known Member
If you only have 5 hours available and demand your guarantee of 8hrs, you usually don't have to come in. Saturday is $50/hr unless you are new.