
Well-Known Member
Yes ...they r design8ng such stellar programs such as OrioN

The epic fail of Orion.

Back in 2008 when the economy was starting to hit the fan, gas prices surge, ups figured they would "try" to reduce cost by planning routes to reduce miles and also focus on idle time.

They still can't justify it except for maybe 10-15% of some routes. So much R&D involved they just cannot axe it.

What The Hawk?

As a near 30 year employee of ups I can honestly say that that we have entered a very scary time at the Seattle hub.
Last week was a horror show of missed packages coming back with drivers, center mangers quitting, re-handle trailers getting re-handled, and a general sense of there's no way to get caught up at this point.
I don't know what's going to happen this week but at this point I don't see how this isn't going to become a national story.
The perfect storm so it seems... not enough drivers, all experienced management gone, nobody seems to have any answers on how this can turn around.

....God help us. I'm afraid ups will be something very different in the near future.

It almost feels set up with contract time and amazon's threat years ago when we dropped the ball on last min Christmas deliveries.
I hear someone actually found a nda letter addressed to Bezos in a pile of missed the other day.
Yesterday was my first saturday and when I left after 16 straight hours it seriously looked like a storm had swept through.
I can't wait to hear more about this when I go back to training and Lucke tells us about it.


Well-Known Member

Same as last year! Christmas is on the 25th!

365 days of planning! Screwed up AGAIN! How can this be?!?! We must blame somebody!

Frantic supervisors and management all in distress, upset, tired, can't figure out how it will all get done.....OH THE INSANITY!!!!

Btw, I ordered all my Christmas stuff the week before Thanksgiving and some a few days out. Everything should be here early this week and wrapped by this weekend.

I'm going to watch the news and get the big scoop on how a great majority of this great nation, will not have enough time to get everything delivered. I'm sure there's plenty of time for Facebook or any social media, but not enough time to click "add to cart"

The last week up to Christmas should be a trickle down with some emphasis on airs.

You make your own bed people.

Let me help you out, next year.......pssst....Christmas is on Dec 25th....plan accordingly.

My disclaimer:

Christmas time can be a time of joy and a time of sorrow. My deepest sympathies for those who have lost someone close to the holidays and are going through hardship. Not everyone can get out and make ends meet.

It's those that choose to not plan accordingly and then choose to blame the horse who they didn't offer food and water to.


Well-Known Member
Record volume for our day sort today. 20 percent more than last Sunday.

Safe bet that's rolled loads from hubs unable to process volume. Not saying 20% is with everything running normal, but some transfer hubs simply cannot process enough to turn trailers.

This week will be very heavy, it's the last few days leading to the weekend before the 25th is where total panic will set in.

If people are wise, they will have everything ordered by middle of this week at the latest.


Well-Known Member
It seems completely :censored2:ed at my building but at the same time its not that stressful just long hours. Because i know as bad as im screwed other drivers are screwed worse and so is management. No one is gonna bug me about anything. People are having missed and late left and right. So no pressure on me if i get some. No one is gonna bug me about backing metrics, missed, time allowance(we leave so late anyways). Just get to go and work 13.5 hours safely and go home. Some people like to mess with management over that stuff but i just prefer to do work and go home and have people leave me alone.

That only down point is dealing with mad customers. Had some 60 year old man complain about some cookie cutters in a ground package that arrived a date later than expected. Its ground and they are freaking cookie cutters and you are an adult male. WTF lol.

What The Hawk?


Same as last year! Christmas is on the 25th!

365 days of planning! Screwed up AGAIN! How can this be?!?! We must blame somebody!

Frantic supervisors and management all in distress, upset, tired, can't figure out how it will all get done.....OH THE INSANITY!!!!

Btw, I ordered all my Christmas stuff the week before Thanksgiving and some a few days out. Everything should be here early this week and wrapped by this weekend.

I'm going to watch the news and get the big scoop on how a great majority of this great nation, will not have enough time to get everything delivered. I'm sure there's plenty of time for Facebook or any social media, but not enough time to click "add to cart"

The last week up to Christmas should be a trickle down with some emphasis on airs.

You make your own bed people.

Let me help you out, next year.......pssst....Christmas is on Dec 25th....plan accordingly.

My disclaimer:

Christmas time can be a time of joy and a time of sorrow. My deepest sympathies for those who have lost someone close to the holidays and are going through hardship. Not everyone can get out and make ends meet.

It's those that choose to not plan accordingly and then choose to blame the horse who they didn't offer food and water to.
Christmas is on the 25th this year!? What sorcery is this?


Well-Known Member
This is......true. For the most part. I feel UPS can help figure something out and work together, even if the locals manage their pension fund.

Too bad they won't.

I would love to see UPS go above and beyond to help UPS pensioners. Sadly they won't. But even if they did, in a case of no good deed goes unpunished, if they did you can bet the Union would immediately start asking for even more to save the non-UPS pensioners and would portray UPS as evil and greedy if they resisted.
Remember UPS tried to save their pensioners from the sinking SS Titanic Central States way back in '97.


Well-Known Member
Exactly what I'm concerned about. I'm 4 years in and want this company to succeed, even if they're stupid. My future is on the line. I'll work 6 days a week. This is about self-preservation.

That's exactly what the company wants... they've got you exactly where they want you. You'll do anything to save your job due to this manufactured crisis. This is how we get ridiculous concessions in the next contract.


Resident Suit
I guess we shall see. You say I'm making a big deal out of nothing. I say on last Monday Minneapolis rolled 50+ trailers. Have they cleaned that up? I suspect they haven't and with the weather that could possibly roll in, it's only going to get worse.
Minneapolis was behind 45 midweek, all clean going into tomorrow.


Fight the power.
Minneapolis was behind 45 midweek, all clean going into tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Anyone remember the peak either 2 years or 3 years ago? It was the one right after we spit the bit. We were so over staffed it wasn’t even funny. I didn’t work past 7:30 one night.

Seems like ages ago.