
Inordinately Right
True, none have been convicted, yet. Is that your gold standard? Not convicted yet?
It's the standard for calling someone a felon, which you did, incorrectly.

The fascist Democrats you support are bringing bogus charges against their political enemies. Is that your standard, just bring bogus charges then start saying they're felons?

Democrats want us to be a banana Republic so it's not surprising they're using a kangaroo court against their opponents.


Well-Known Member
Voter ID to buy bread?

I know exactly what he was trying to say. His generation wrote checks for everything. He was saying if you buy groceries and write a check you have to present a picture I.D. like a driver's license. Similar to what you have to do to register to vote. Good luck selling that Trump is anywhere close to Biden's cognitive decline.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what he was trying to say. His generation wrote checks for everything. He was saying if you buy groceries and write a check you have to present a picture I.D. like a driver's license. Similar to what you have to do to register to vote. Good luck selling that Trump is anywhere close to Biden's cognitive decline.

Like Trump has ever gone to a grocery store and written a check there in his entire life.

And even if he did he said “Don’t you know who I am” and demanded to talk to the manager if the cashier didn’t relent.


Well-Known Member
Like Trump has ever gone to a grocery store and written a check there in his entire life.

And even if he did he said “Don’t you know who I am” and demanded to talk to the manager if the cashier didn’t relent.
You think Trump never wrote checks? I use my debit card for everything and check my account online. My dad writes checks for everything and reconciles his checkbook. He hates using his debit card. Trump was just pointing out based on his generation's accepted method of paying for things that you've got to have a government issued I.D. to do that. It's a ludicrous argument that blacks can't get a government issued picture I.D. when you need one for just about everything.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You think Trump never wrote checks? I use my debit card for everything and check my account online. My dad writes checks for everything and reconciles his checkbook. He hates using his debit card. Trump was just pointing out based on his generation's accepted method of paying for things that you've got to have a government issued I.D. to do that. It's a ludicrous argument that blacks can't get a government issued picture I.D. when you need one for just about everything.
Everyone has ID


Well-Known Member
And at least around here a good 20 or 25 years ago grocery stores had the feeder/readers for checks. Nobody has required a hard ID for decades for groceries.


Well-Known Member
And at least around here a good 20 or 25 years ago grocery stores had the feeder/readers for checks. Nobody has required a hard ID for decades for groceries.
And Trump is how old? So what? You're trying to find evidence that Trump is in decline because Biden is in extreme decline. The old "yes he is but what about your guy?"


Well-Known Member
I’m saying that in the same paragraph he’s claiming Biden is in decline he showed his decline plus out of touch he is.

Still not as bad as Bush 41 being amazed by a barcode scanner.


Well-Known Member
I’m saying that in the same paragraph he’s claiming Biden is in decline he showed his decline plus out of touch he is.

Still not as bad as Bush 41 being amazed by a barcode scanner.
Claiming? Are you suggesting Biden isn't? He absolutely should step down right now but I don't think he can process the idea.


Staff member

How do people defend a guy who continuously confesses to the felonies he’s indicted on? And you think he’ll walk? In a 50/50 country he’s not going to win over the independents.