
Well-Known Member
Imagine if Biden posted this exact post about Fox News.



Well-Known Member
Milley was reassuring an agitated counterpart that we weren’t going to attack them. Big deal. It’s diplomacy. That’s what you do. It’s not like it hurt our military readiness. If we wanted to attack we would have anyway. Trump is a DRAMA QUEEN.
I don't recall Trump threatening war nor do I remember the military having the right to conduct diplomacy. Especially behind the Commander-in-Chief's back. If it had been the usual conservative general going behind a Democratic president's back y'all would've screamed like stuck pigs. Yet another example of trying to twist something to attack Trump.


Well-Known Member
What exactly did Milley report to the Chinese? Word for word. Let me see it.

You can’t produce it. So you’re talking out of of your butt. There was no treason here and no reason to believe it. Gen. Milley was working within his capacity of the job he was appointed to. If Trump didn’t like it that much he should have fired him immediately. He didn’t because he knows deep down he’s a moronic coward.
Already well established that Milley told the Chinese he would prevent Trump from attacking them. Not in his wheelhouse to do so.