
Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Again, I apparently don’t have a big enough box of crayons.
What's apparent is that you assume I've actually read all your ramblings and REEings. So does lying awake at night thinking about Trump really help you cope with all his threats you perceive?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
What's apparent is that you assume I've actually read all your ramblings and REEings. So does lying awake at night thinking about Trump really help you cope with all his threats you perceive?
Dude. You asked me how I believe Trump is a threat to America. I answered your question. What else can I help you with? I don’t have any anime porno for you.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Dude. You asked me how I believe Trump is a threat to America. I answered your question. What else can I help you with? I don’t have any anime porno for you.
Two biggest assclowns to ever hold the presidential office currently in Washington, weaponizing government agencies, hemorrhaging money for proxy wars, pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining, but I'm supposed to worry about a guy who hasn't even been in office for almost three years. Alright.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Mumbling bumbling POTATUS hardly crosses my mind on an irregular basis, let alone do I let him live rent free in my head. I sure as hell wouldn't voluntarily subject myself to looking at that wet bag of :censored2: or discussing him if I didn't need to. Things that are the polar opposite of what the TDS-afflicted do with Trump.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Two biggest assclowns to ever hold the presidential office currently in Washington, weaponizing government agencies, hemorrhaging money for proxy wars, pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining, but I'm supposed to worry about a guy who hasn't even been in office for almost three years. Alright.
That guy who hasn’t been in office in almost three years is probably going to get his party’s nomination. He’s got a chance to win. Which can’t be a thing.

Biden isn’t weaponizing anything. And we’re not at war with Putin. We’re trying to protect our interests and world order.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Mumbling bumbling POTATUS hardly crosses my mind on an irregular basis, let alone do I let him live rent free in my head. I sure as hell wouldn't voluntarily subject myself to looking at that wet bag of :censored2: or discussing him if I didn't need to. Things that are the polar opposite of what the TDS-afflicted do with Trump.
You are HERE talking about Biden and Trump. Your lack of self-awareness is typical of MAGA.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
No, I'm making fun of you for your TDS affliction, a condition made further apparent by your assumption that everyone who doesn't have TDS is MAGA.
Everyone who has negative things to say about Donald Trump, the rapist fraudster who stole US nuclear secrets and lied to the feds about having possesion of them, has TDS. Sure. That's all it is. Just some kind of affliction and not a genuine concern for the country's welfare.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
"Guize, Trump is so dangerous but hear me out. This dementia patient who got into the shower with his daughter and sniffs children and gets handled like a puppet on live television and funds foreign economies with tax money is such safe and honest pick. I unironically think he gives great speeches too."

Can't make this stuff up.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Well I guess I'm gonna go to bed. I'll be sure to turn on my Trump face nightlight and hang my Trump dreamcatcher.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
What is that future? A bipartisan neomarxist clown show?
Yes, multi-party. Parties that respect the foundational democratic system.

Neomarxist? Whatever. That’s an empty word that I don’t accept for where we are now and where we want to go.

Clown show? Nothing will be more of a clown show than granting presidential power back to a rapist fraudster that disparages our military servicemen and women.