
Well-Known Member
Nope, the fairy tale is pretty clear he was an illegal immigrant.

But Joseph has been warned beforehand in a dream of Herod’s intentions to kill little Jesus, and the family flees to Egypt. It is not until Herod is dead that Joseph and Mary dare return, and then they avoid Judaea: Joseph “was afraid to go there” (Matthew 2.22) because Herod’s son is in charge. Instead they find a new place of refuge, in Nazareth of Galilee, far from Bethlehem.

Jesus’ earliest years were then, according to the Gospel of Matthew, spent as a refugee in a foreign land, and then as a displaced person in a village a long way from his family’s original home.


Well-Known Member
Revenues in 2020 were sub 3T dollars as people sat home and got paid while businesses were closed. (9.4M or 30% of all businesses). Starting in January of 2021 employment numbers rapidly increased to the sum of 7.2 million jobs added to the revenue stream. In addition more than 5.4 million small businesses were created in 2021. Combined payroll and operating revenues drove the receipts to over 6.5T in 2021.
And Biden injected $2 trillion into the system and a lot of those new businesses were zombie corporations set up to take advantage of all that stimulus.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
And Biden injected $2 trillion into the system and a lot of those new businesses were zombie corporations set up to take advantage of all that stimulus.
Her sure did, and it was needless after the previous administration had just approved round 2 of stimulus in late December 2020. Inflation overtook wages in March of 2021, just as the Biden checks were being released, thus adding fuel to the inflation fire. If I remember correctly, the money for small businesses, was based on those in existence prior to 2020. I know the PPP and SBA monies were based on 2019 tax filings.


Inordinately Right
Your links do not say Jesus was an illegal immigrant, as was claimed.

Try harder, my radical far left friend.
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Well-Known Member
Her sure did, and it was needless after the previous administration had just approved round 2 of stimulus in late December 2020. Inflation overtook wages in March of 2021, just as the Biden checks were being released, thus adding fuel to the inflation fire. If I remember correctly, the money for small businesses, was based on those in existence prior to 2020. I know the PPP and SBA monies were based on 2019 tax filings.
So you're saying that most of that new business growth in 2021 onward was legitimate? How much of the job growth was people returning to work?

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
So you're saying that most of that new business growth in 2021 onward was legitimate? How much of the job growth was people returning to work?
The job growth in 2021 and 2022 was most certainly people returning to work. Unemployment rate fell from 9% in late 2020 to 5% in late 2021 and 3.5% in 22. I'm not sure what a illegitimate business is. The 5.4M small business licenses and tax IDs must have been legitimate to be granted.


Well-Known Member
The job growth in 2021 and 2022 was most certainly people returning to work. Unemployment rate fell from 9% in late 2020 to 5% in late 2021 and 3.5% in 22. I'm not sure what a illegitimate business is. The 5.4M small business licenses and tax IDs must have been legitimate to be granted.
Talking about all the zombie corporations that were created.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Talking about all the zombie corporations that were created.
Examples?? My understanding of zombie businesses are businesses that operate and service their interest payments but are unable to reduce principle or make a profit. I find it hard to believe newly created businesses fall into that category. The majority ( nearly 99%) of businesses created in the last 3 years are sole proprietor or partnerships.


Well-Known Member
Examples?? My understanding of zombie businesses are businesses that operate and service their interest payments but are unable to reduce principle or make a profit. I find it hard to believe newly created businesses fall into that category. The majority ( nearly 99%) of businesses created in the last 3 years are sole proprietor or partnerships.
From what I've been reading a lot of companies were started to raise money while capital was cheap and free flowing but don't have the means to service the debt. I don't have any idea who they are. These aren't exchange listed. But it's a house of cards that will likely collapse as interest rates rise.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
From what I've been reading a lot of companies were started to raise money while capital was cheap and free flowing but don't have the means to service the debt. I don't have any idea who they are. These aren't exchange listed. But it's a house of cards that will likely collapse as interest rates rise.
Well PPP and SBA monies were based on 2019 tax returns and K1s. Businesses started in 2021-23 wouldn't been included in the government programs. As a member of a private equity firm, I'm aware of the high standard of regulation businesses must follow in order to obtain an operating license. Access to capital, either through institutional or private equity, is also highly regulated. Almost every business that we've funded the last couple years have been sole proprietor service or e-commerce businesses.