
Well-Known Member
A better analogy would be going to a different state.

Apparently these lefties have never heard of the Roman Empire.
We tend to think of states as a smaller division of a country but we're the United States. Literally 50 small countries whose residents are citizens of the greater whole so have the freedom to move about. 50 separate elections instead of one national one. With each one having its rights restored to handle abortion for example. With it agreed that the Federal government would handle everything enumerated in the Federal Constitution but all other rights theirs to do as they deem fit as long as it didn't violate the overarching Constitution.

But within the Roman Empire Herod was still the king of his country. He just had to recognize Rome's authority over him and pay them tribute. Going to Egypt was still going to a separate country where Herod had no reach. Not so in the U.S. where fugitives can be extradited.
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All Trash No Trailer


All Trash No Trailer
A better analogy would be going to a different state.

Apparently these lefties have never heard of the Roman Empire.
There was no more difference of Joseph and Mary illegally crossing borderes than the Mexicans coming over the border for a better life. Hahaha I bet Joseph’s friends gave him hell : hey Joey, how’s the old lady and Gods kid???? 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Sure it does. Going to another country doesn't automatically make you an illegal immigrant. You're trying to equivocate people coming here illegally with what went on in those times which was quite different.
They have no biblical knowledge, they’re atheists trying to pretend that their opinion is relevant, it’s not.


Well-Known Member
There was no more difference of Joseph and Mary illegally crossing borderes than the Mexicans coming over the border for a better life. Hahaha I bet Joseph’s friends gave him hell : hey Joey, how’s the old lady and Gods kid???? 🤣🤣🤣
As if they had patrolled borders in those days. With the population so small anyone who moved to an area willing to work was usually welcomed. No different than Hispanics moving into the U.S. Southwest in the 1850's. There was hardly anyone out there other than other Hispanics and Native Americans. No one was checking papers.