
All Trash No Trailer
Which didn't make Jesus an illegal immigrant. You might make the case for refugee but it's more accurate to say his parents were refugees who took their child with them. Jesus the child didn't seek refuge. He just went with his parents.

We have 8 million and counting illegals having entered the U.S. since Biden became president. Only a small percentage came here to escape a war or very dangerous conditions. Most are here purely for economic reasons. We have an economy that has a lot less opportunity these days and now our own citizens have to compete with illegals who will work for less.

But you don't care. You know that it's the Democratic plan to put these people on a path to citizenship. And make them economically dependent on Democrats and vote Democratic. You don't care about the strain on social services. You've turned your back on blacks. The only thing that matters is getting and keeping power.

Luckily for Republicans the far Left can't get out of its own way. They want to push every imaginable deviancy out there. These newly minted citizens come from mostly more traditional societies who have little tolerance for gay Alfredo showing his pee pee to children.

Good luck!
Fleeing to Egypt most certainly made them illegal immigrants, or Undocumented workers if you like


Well-Known Member
Fleeing to Egypt most certainly made them illegal immigrants, or Undocumented workers if you like
There was no such thing at the time. Are you under the impression Egypt had border patrol in chariots with holding cells for those caught crossing illegally?

The U.S. once had people just deciding to move here and did. They didn't apply for a visa at an embassy. They just bought passage on a ship.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
A lot of stuff goes unchecked around here without moderation: but this is inexcusable and should be worth a 2 or 3 week ban.
That is insulting to our moderators, no?

These volunteers freely donate their time, perusing seemingly endless volumes of material.

Our moderators here are highly trained professionals doing everything in their power to fight smut, TOS violations, and general naughtiness!


Well-Known Member
That is insulting to our moderators, no?

These volunteers freely donate their time, perusing seemingly endless volumes of material.

Our moderators here are highly trained professionals doing everything in their power to fight smut, TOS violations, and general naughtiness!
I'm not insulting our moderators. They have a tough job with all of our stupidity.

I was simply making a joke about the Metallica album and how bad it is.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I'm not insulting our moderators. They have a tough job with all of our stupidity.

I was simply making a joke about the Metallica album and how bad it is.
A lot of stuff goes unchecked around here without moderation: but this is inexcusable and should be worth a 2 or 3 week ban.
Sure sounds insulting to me.

I guess in liberal-land that would be a compliment.


Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Iill trill trade you 5.5T for 2T every at

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Can you explain why in the middle of a pandemic with so much shutdown and so many laid off that government revenue skyrocketed in a straight line?
Businesses and individuals who pay quarterly and reconcile on April 15th were given until October 15th in 2020. The IRS receipts show a large increase from there forward as payments normalized and businesses opened. Massive hiring in 2021 led to wage growth and higher revenues. Wages in April 2021 were nearly 22% higher than the previous year. In addition, 3 rounds of PPP, 2 rounds of SBA, and $900.00 unemployment, rental assistance all played a factor as well.