
Well-Known Member
Please cite your first claim about the families and the children not being their own and it being a widespread issue.
That was widely reported that the cartels were paying families to use their small children or just outright take the kids because there was a policy to allow men with children in but not allow single men. Ended up a lot of kids were taken from their "parent" for the child's protection. These kids were being used over and over. Also there were pics widely distributed showing kids in cages and Trump was being blamed but turned out the pics were from 2014 during the Obama administration.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
That was widely reported that the cartels were paying families to use their small children or just outright take the kids because there was a policy to allow men with children in but not allow single men. Ended up a lot of kids were taken from their "parent" for the child's protection. These kids were being used over and over. Also there were pics widely distributed showing kids in cages and Trump was being blamed but turned out the pics were from 2014 during the Obama administration.
Cite your source.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
One in each hand and one in her …..

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I'm milking the system dry, then dying.
They'll be a system for you in 25 years. It will be one that will cause you to look back at what I had and go, "What the hell was I thinking?"
You have such a disdain for America. You think America is weak. I bet you thought Putin’s military was something to envy as well. LOL. Russia has done a number on your perception of America.


Well-Known Member
That was a load of unconfirmed crud.
No it isn't. They've got reports the FBI was sitting on. They've got over 150 Suspicious Activity Reports from banks. Whistleblower statements. Eyewitness statements. Let's see if they go forward with an impeachment. If they do all this will be released to the public.


Well-Known Member
You have such a disdain for America. You think America is weak. I bet you thought Putin’s military was something to envy as well. LOL. Russia has done a number on your perception of America.
And you're perception of Russian interference has been greatly influenced by the Clinton campaign creating disinformation about Trump to discredit him.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
No it isn't. They've got reports the FBI was sitting on. They've got over 150 Suspicious Activity Reports from banks. Whistleblower statements. Eyewitness statements. Let's see if they go forward with an impeachment. If they do all this will be released to the public.
Brain worms are common on the left.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
No it isn't. They've got reports the FBI was sitting on. They've got over 150 Suspicious Activity Reports from banks. Whistleblower statements. Eyewitness statements. Let's see if they go forward with an impeachment. If they do all this will be released to the public.
I wait with bated breath. :rolleyes: