
Inordinately Right
A person born with a penis is a male defined by sex. That same person may never identify as a male and may identify as a girl or woman. But their assigned sex at birth makes them that assigned sex. Gender is different.
No it isn't.
The idea gender is different than sex is a scam, invented by a pedophile.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Closer to 0.01%.
And it's a genetic defect not a mental illness or sexual fetish like transvestites.
I’ll concede the 0.01% number. NIH on PubMed puts it at 0.018%.

Are intersex children male or female? Does a third party many times choose the child’s sex on their birth certificate?

Transgender people don’t necessarily have mental illness or sexual fetish. It’s identification with one’s gender, that’s it.


Inordinately Right
Transgender people don’t necessarily have mental illness or sexual fetish.
I disagree with your opinion.

Seems pretty clear to me these trannies are mentally ill. The facts seem to back that up.
It’s identification with one’s gender, that’s it.
I disagree with your opinion that sex and gender are separate.

Gender ideology is a scam invented by a pedophile.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King