
Well-Known Member
I find it pretty amusing that people kneejerk accuse Democrats of being communists or socialists as a rule. It's almost like they don't know what they're talking about.
libertarianism outside of america has traditionally meant worker control over their jobs. but in america libertarianism has a unique definition which basically means corporate tyranny.

like wise the word socialist to these people is interchangable with terrorist or muslim LOL


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The guy (his handlers) reject/refuse to submit/obey the law. Abortion, student loan payoff, border... wake up America. Who's a threat to democracy?


Inordinately Right
Abortion — is healthcare

Student loan payoff — just another bailout like we’ve done with the banks and car companies

Border — people wanna escape their hell and come work

= not a threat to democracy
Then change the laws to support your radical agenda.

The regime you support is a threat to democracy because they disregard the law.

You don't care because you agree with their extremism.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Abortion — is healthcare

Student loan payoff — just another bailout like we’ve done with the banks and car companies

Border — people wanna escape their hell and come work

= not a threat to democracy
Abortion - murder / State issue (Supreme Court)

Student loan payoff - Unlawful (Supreme Court)

Border - Doesn't matter what people"want" to do. Enforce the law, Mr. President.

"Stop breaking the law!" - Jim Cary (Liar, Liar)

= No democracy when laws are ignored and not enforced.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Then change the laws to support your radical agenda.
Oh, that is being done. See: Kansas, Ohio, Kentucky, Montana, etc. have sided with abortion rights in their states. Law is being changed, bro. Women are pissed.

The border is not open.

The SC only rules that the previous way the executive branch was trying to relieve student debt holders was not constitutional.

Democrats, the party of mental illness.
says the guy from the party of QANON lol


Well-Known Member
Abortion — is healthcare

Student loan payoff — just another bailout like we’ve done with the banks and car companies

Border — people wanna escape their hell and come work

= not a threat to democracy
Abortion -- is murder

Student loan payoff -- paying off the loans of people making up to $125k, $250k for couples. People making good money but not helping the tradesman making large payments on his needed work truck and equipment. Not rewarding those who paid off their college loans. And adding to the already extremely high Federal debt.

Border -- Documented people from 160 countries. Most people in those countries stay there in their "hell", don't come here. Slap in the face of those who went through lengthy legal process to get here. Criminals and terrorists are getting in too. Already a number of murders committed by illegal aliens who shouldn't be here. Tens of thousands of unaccounted for children being used in child porn. Women raped on way here and many being forced into sex slavery to pay off cartel debt. No testing for disease and we've had recent spikes in measles and tuberculosis. No testing for covid in spite of citizens being forced to mask up and pressured to get vaccinated. Billions being spent housing and feeding millions of illegally entering aliens.

= numerous violations of our laws. Violating the Constitution. Threats to both national security and the personal security of our citizens. Cynical attempt to use these people to get absolute power. The biggest internal threat to democracy since the Civil War.