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Monday should be interesting


Well-Known Member
If abortion is literal murder then no bus ride to another state would be legal.

So which is it? Is abortion literally murder or no?
Oh, you want jurisprudence. SCOTUS sent the matter back to the individual states to decide. We are citizens of the entire country and as such aren't restricted from going to other states for services not available in our own. Thus a Texas resident is free to kill her baby in California no matter how the majority of Texans feel about it. But that's the difference between you and me. I may not like Californians killing babies, but under the Constitution their state has the right to choose how to handle abortion. But liberals on the other hand want to tell states like Texas, where the majority are anti abortion, how to handle the protection of innocent unborn life. And anyone who would tear a viable unborn baby limb from limb in order to prevent that baby's birth isn't any better than a common murderer in my book. I'm comfortable knowing I'm defending that baby's right to life. Are you comfortable with causing that baby's death in the name of "reproductive freedom?"

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Oh, you want jurisprudence. SCOTUS sent the matter back to the individual states to decide. We are citizens of the entire country and as such aren't restricted from going to other states for services not available in our own. Thus a Texas resident is free to kill her baby in California no matter how the majority of Texans feel about it. But that's the difference between you and me. I may not like Californians killing babies, but under the Constitution their state has the right to choose how to handle abortion. But liberals on the other hand want to tell states like Texas, where the majority are anti abortion, how to handle the protection of innocent unborn life. And anyone who would tear a viable unborn baby limb from limb in order to prevent that baby's birth isn't any better than a common murderer in my book. I'm comfortable knowing I'm defending that baby's right to life. Are you comfortable with causing that baby's death in the name of "reproductive freedom?"
If abortion is murder then traveling somewhere else within the United States to murder your child would not be legal. So should travel for abortions be illegal?


Well-Known Member
If abortion is murder then traveling somewhere else within the United States to murder your child would not be legal. So should travel for abortions be illegal?
We believe it's murder and punish those within our state for committing murder. We have no control over what others believe or do in other states. Judging by the barrage of images over the years of Californians openly acting out perverted fantasies it comes as no shock that they want to kill babies too. And under current law we can't control others from going to other states. I know libs think we're aiming for a "Handmaid's Tale" world, but we respect the Constitution. If you try to tell other states they must allow abortion then you obviously don't respect the Constitution.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
It’s entirely inconsistent to say that a woman’s fetus has rights to not be murdered, equal to that of a child or adult, but in the same breath state that it’s soundly legal to allow her to flee the state she is in to murder her child. She would be trafficking a child out of her state of residence to kill that child, a felony.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
We believe it's murder and punish those within our state for committing murder. We have no control over what others believe or do in other states. Judging by the barrage of images over the years of Californians openly acting out perverted fantasies it comes as no shock that they want to kill babies too. And under current law we can't control others from going to other states. I know libs think we're aiming for a "Handmaid's Tale" world, but we respect the Constitution. If you try to tell other states they must allow abortion then you obviously don't respect the Constitution.
So can I take my 12 year old from Missouri to Illinois to murder him and then come back and face no legal consequences in the state of Missouri for trafficking him to another state to end his life?


Well-Known Member
It’s entirely inconsistent to say that a woman’s fetus has rights to not be murdered, equal to that of a child or adult, but in the same breath state that it’s soundly legal to allow her to flee the state she is in to murder her child. She would be trafficking a child out of her state of residence to kill that child, a felony.
I agree with you. Glad you're seeing how wrong it is. It's a shame we don't have control over that.


Well-Known Member
So can I take my 12 year old from Missouri to Illinois to murder him and then come back and face no legal consequences in the state of Missouri for trafficking him to another state to end his life?
Totally different situation. Unborn children unfortunately don't enjoy the rights of the born.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
you guys want to act like abortions only happen for the woman’s convenience. They happen all the time for health and survival reasons. But the party of small government wants politicians telling a woman what she can and cannot do with what happens in her body.


Well-Known Member
So you’re saying that no woman should be able to leave her state she’s in for any healthcare at all without the government spying on her decisions she makes with her doctor.
Are you of the opinion you're going to trap me into saying something that proves what the Left fears about the Right, blah, blah, blah? Here's a news flash: SCOTUS has spoken, abortion got sent back to the states where it should've been all along, and until a national abortion law is passed that is upheld by the Supreme Court, each state will decide what's best for their particular state. Until then you aren't going to get what you want, and I'm not either. But at least children can be protected in my state.


Well-Known Member
Until women in your state leave the state to commit felony murder then come back like it’s no big deal, right? So we should have a national abortion ban?
My state has no control over what they do abortion wise in another state. Do you want to go in circles all night? I'm not aware, is there a push on getting a national abortion ban? Because there does seem to be one for getting abortion legal in all 50 states. And with that I'm heading to some good ol' indoctrination on FOX.