
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
That's the problem with ignorance.
Ignorance is making the same mistake over and over again with the enemy.
How many agreements and resolutions involving every POTUS (always smiling between the two current leaders) for the last 50 years have been violated?
It is time for war. It is time to destroy anything and everyone who is in Gaza that is a threat to Israel.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Ignorance is making the same mistake over and over again with the enemy.
How many agreements and resolutions involving every POTUS (always smiling between the two current leaders) for the last 50 years have been violated?
It is time for war. It is time to destroy anything and everyone who is in Gaza that is a threat to Israel.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
And to say there are no innocent Palestinians is just hard to fathom.
No one said that.
For one Jesus showed us a better way to live.
Some people appeal to that. Many do not.
You do recall what Jesus said after Peter cut off the ear of the Roman soldier?
So, if a terrorist breaks into my house, cuts my wife's ear off, and try as I might to put it back on, I just can't, what should I do?
God loves them just as much as he loves you.
That's not in question.
If you take their life on the possibility that someday they or their child might try to take yours you will be held accountable.
According to you. This isn't a normal situation. Thinking you can address it like a balanced thinking person would, while honoring all the "rules of engagement ", you remain in dreamland.
How much accountability is measured by how much responsibility you have. You ever think God might look at this situation and think one would be held accountable if he didn't kill them all?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
No one said that.

Some people appeal to that. Many do not.

So, if a terrorist breaks into my house, cuts my wife's ear off, and try as I might to put it back on, I just can't, what should I do?

That's not in question.

According to you. This isn't a normal situation. Thinking you can address it like a balanced thinking person would, while honoring all the "rules of engagement ", you remain in dreamland.
How much accountability is measured by how much responsibility you have. You ever think God might look at this situation and think one would be held accountable if he didn't kill them all?
The “Kill them all” command was actually quite common in the Old Testament. That meant livestock too, something Saul found out about.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
But Samuel said, “What then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?”
Saul said, “They are the inbreds from Palestine. They told us they wanted peace.'
That verse has always remained with me. How stupid can we be to try and interpret the Lord, when it’s actually spelled out for us.


Well-Known Member
It doesn’t excuse them for all the heinous things they’ve done. The so called Palestinians voted overwhelmingly for Hamas. They reaped the whirlwind. Elections have consequences.
As I've said all along. But notice I said that not all voted for Hamas and polls didn't show that all supported the October 7th attack. But he was saying kill all of them. If they're Palestinian we're better off just killing all of them. That would be wrong. Thankfully the international community wouldn't stand for it so this is a moot point. Israel should neutralize Hamas. Take away all their weapons and tunnels. Put the fighters in prison and execute the ones they have on video doing heinous acts. Some survivors reported some Hamas fighters that day made sure they were safe. Most didn't and should be held to account. I think the destruction of Gaza will lead to peace for sometime to come.


Well-Known Member
But Samuel said, “What then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?”
The law of sin and death. We're under the New Law and aren't to go kill an entire population. It's wrong. The Germans mostly supported Hitler. As our soldiers entered Germany should they have killed every German civilian they met? If not why not?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
As I've said all along. But notice I said that not all voted for Hamas and polls didn't show that all supported the October 7th attack. But he was saying kill all of them. If they're Palestinian we're better off just killing all of them. That would be wrong. Thankfully the international community wouldn't stand for it so this is a moot point. Israel should neutralize Hamas. Take away all their weapons and tunnels. Put the fighters in prison and execute the ones they have on video doing heinous acts. Some survivors reported some Hamas fighters that day made sure they were safe. Most didn't and should be held to account. I think the destruction of Gaza will lead to peace for sometime to come.


Well-Known Member
No one said that.

Some people appeal to that. Many do not.

So, if a terrorist breaks into my house, cuts my wife's ear off, and try as I might to put it back on, I just can't, what should I do?

That's not in question.

According to you. This isn't a normal situation. Thinking you can address it like a balanced thinking person would, while honoring all the "rules of engagement ", you remain in dreamland.
How much accountability is measured by how much responsibility you have. You ever think God might look at this situation and think one would be held accountable if he didn't kill them all?
Sorry, you're on record saying kill them all. You're being disingenuous now. Not an honest answer.


Well-Known Member
The Ustacoulds.
We don't know much about them.
So you can't name a tribe we completely wiped out(beyond the unintended introduction of disease). In spite of warfare all the way across the continent, in spite of massacres of settlers as well as of Indians, can't name one tribe we extinguished?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
So you can't name a tribe we completely wiped out(beyond the unintended introduction if disease). In spite of warfare all the way across the continent, in spite of massacres of settlers as well as of Indians, can't name one tribe we extinguished?
Nor do I care. Sorry, march of progress, old chap.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
But notice I said that not all voted for Hamas and polls didn't show that all supported the October 7th attack.
I don't believe a word any of them say.
Every generation has proved they're liars and will tell you anything to delay, buy time, just to give them another shot at Israel.