
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Sorry, it's one thing to fight to defend yourself and your family.
Defend? That situation calls for you not to sit and wait behind your locked door and defend, you better be on the offensive.
I would be done with my family having to live the way myself and my parents, and grandparents lived.
Or, you could look at your family and say, It's just the way it is. No thanks.
Should we exterminate all Russians or Chinese because some are working to harm us?
Some, not all, is the difference. And, they don't live next door and they don't just want to harm you. To qualify the mindset of the Palestinians, they would have to want every single American dead no matter how or what it takes.
Really no different than the liberals arguing that babies can be killed in the womb because they may cause the mother financial harm if born.
Absolutely no comparison.
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Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Ah yes, here we have some rich people that are probably concerned about climate change, so much so that they want everyone else to drive EVs, stay at home and eat bugs.



Well-Known Member
Defend? That situation calls for you not to sit and wait behind your locked door and defend, you better be on the offensive.
I would be done with my family having to live the way myself and my parents, and grandparents lived.
Or, you could look at your family and say, It's just the way it is. No thanks.

Some, not all, is the difference. And, they don't live next door and they don't just want to harm you. To qualify the mindset of the Palestinians, they would have to want every single American dead no matter how or what it takes.

Absolutely no comparison.
So if you lived on the frontier your policy would've been to kill all Indians?


Well-Known Member
Defend? That situation calls for you not to sit and wait behind your locked door and defend, you better be on the offensive.
I would be done with my family having to live the way myself and my parents, and grandparents lived.
Or, you could look at your family and say, It's just the way it is. No thanks.

Some, not all, is the difference. And, they don't live next door and they don't just want to harm you. To qualify the mindset of the Palestinians, they would have to want every single American dead no matter how or what it takes.

Absolutely no comparison.
P.S. Not all Palestinians voted for Hamas or supported the October 7th attack in polls taken. Their only transgression is they were born Palestinian. You're talking about killing innocent children too. It's not Christian to do such. I think you can be prepared for an attack, but as a Christian you can't instigate an attack. Not talking about warfare. But even in war you subdue an enemy. You don't attempt to wipe them completely off of the Earth.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You're talking about killing innocent children too. It's not Christian to do such. I think you can be prepared for an attack, but as a Christian you can't instigate an attack.
I'm glad David did not take that position.
A country has every right to do whatever it takes to protect it from whatever the enemy is. That means go on the offensive. (there's a big difference in the word offensive and instigate) A country has every right to define its enemy and what it needs to do totally eliminate the threat.
You've bought the idea that Hamas is somehow not supported by innocent (there is no such thing) Palestinians. I'm glad I'm not an Israelite under your command.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad David did not take that position.
A country has every right to do whatever it takes to protect it from whatever the enemy is. That means go on the offensive. (there's a big difference in the word offensive and instigate) A country has every right to define its enemy and what it needs to do totally eliminate the threat.
You've bought the idea that Hamas is somehow not supported by innocent (there is no such thing) Palestinians. I'm glad I'm not an Israelite under your command.
For one Jesus showed us a better way to live. And to say there are no innocent Palestinians is just hard to fathom. And going on the offensive is just another way to say preemptive strike. You do recall what Jesus said after Peter cut off the ear of the Roman soldier? Can I ask you what you would do to all of Afghanistan, a country that was harboring Al-Qaeda leadership while they planned and financed the 9-11 attacks? These are people with an entirely different worldview from the U.S. Should we have annihilated their entire population?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
When people lived on the frontier they were much more likely to be killed by Native Americans than we are by Palestinians today.
I'm not threatened at all by any Palestinian. Not clear on what you're trying to say.
This isn't our war. This is a war that Israel has with Terrorist living next door.
If I lived in the Oklahoma territory and Indians were slaughtering my neighbors and trying to kill me, I wouldn't call for a nationwide genocide. But, I'd kill every Indian I seen around my part of the country.
The Seminoles in Florida are not Cherokees and have nothing to do with the problem I I have in the territory I'm living in.


Inordinately Right
For one Jesus showed us a better way to live. And to say there are no innocent Palestinians is just hard to fathom. And going on the offensive is just another way to say preemptive strike. You do recall what Jesus said after Peter cut off the ear of the Roman soldier? Can I ask you what you would do to all of Afghanistan, a country that was harboring Al-Qaeda leadership while they planned and financed the 9-11 attacks? These are people with an entirely different worldview from the U.S. Should we have annihilated their entire population?
Your position of weakness is exactly why we needlessly lost so many American lives in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We could have won those wars if we wanted to.


Inordinately Right
Not talking about right now. When people lived on the frontier they were much more likely to be killed by Native Americans than we are by Palestinians today. Should we have slaughtered all Native Americans?
This is a silly comparison, all Indian tribes weren't culturally equivalent.

Yes, some of them needed to be wiped out in order for them to be conquered. Some could be conquered without that.


Well-Known Member
I'm not threatened at all by any Palestinian. Not clear on what you're trying to say.
This isn't our war. This is a war that Israel has with Terrorist living next door.
If I lived in the Oklahoma territory and Indians were slaughtering my neighbors and trying to kill me, I wouldn't call for a nationwide genocide. But, I'd kill every Indian I seen around my part of the country.
The Seminoles in Florida are not Cherokees and have nothing to do with the problem I I have in the territory I'm living in.
You can go to a couple of "battlefield" sites in Oklahoma and Colorado where peaceful Indian bands were slaughtered by both soldiers and civilians for no other reason than being Native American. Accounts were given of white men cutting off the breasts of Native women and saying they were going to use them as tobacco pouches. That's the problem with ignorance. You can't discern who is warlike and who is peaceful so you just kill them all. Make no mistake about it, God loves them just as much as he loves you. If you take their life on the possibility that someday they or their child might try to take yours you will be held accountable.


Well-Known Member
Your position of weakness is exactly why we needlessly lost so many American lives in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We could have won those wars if we wanted to.
I've been saying all along that we had won the war in Afghanistan but our leadership decided to prolong it in order to help our defense industry make big profits. That's not the question however. He sees those people as a forever threat to our security so his solution is to kill them all. How is that mindset different from Hitler rounding up Jews, Gypsies, and others with the idea that only his perfect Aryan race was worthy of living in his world? It's not much different.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad our president got us out of it as well.
I didn't realize Trump was your president. Trump negotiated the withdrawal, Biden fouled it up. And make no mistake, if Trump had gone along with what our defense industry wanted, Biden sure wouldn't have tried to get us out. It's a major reason, if not the major reason, they've gone so hard after Trump. Forever wars making big profits have become THE moneymaker in Washington. And both parties are in on it. Only now they're playing with fire pushing a nuclear armed country.


Inordinately Right
I've been saying all along that we had won the war in Afghanistan but our leadership decided to prolong it in order to help our defense industry make big profits.
He sees those people as a forever threat to our security
They are if they are allowed to remain a terror state that indoctrinates their children from birth to kill all infidels.
How is that mindset different from Hitler rounding up Jews, Gypsies, and others with the idea that only his perfect Aryan race was worthy of living in his world?
Because no one is saying they're genetically inferior, they are brainwashed from birth. Their culture needs to be destroyed because it's trash.