
Well-Known Member

They are if they are allowed to remain a terror state that indoctrinates their children from birth to kill all infidels.

Because no one is saying they're genetically inferior, they are brainwashed from birth. Their culture needs to be destroyed because it's trash.
And yet there are people there that embraced working with and fighting alongside Americans while we controlled the country. But now the Taliban is back in control. So what do you do? Kill them all? Can't trust them?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You can go to a couple of "battlefield" sites in Oklahoma and Colorado where peaceful Indian bands were slaughtered by both soldiers and civilians for no other reason than being Native American. Accounts were given of white men cutting off the breasts of Native women and saying they were going to use them as tobacco pouches. That's the problem with ignorance. You can't discern who is warlike and who is peaceful so you just kill them all. Make no mistake about it, God loves them just as much as he loves you. If you take their life on the possibility that someday they or their child might try to take yours you will be held accountable.


Well-Known Member
What Red Herring? He said if he came upon Indians in Oklahoma he would kill them. That's exactly what happened a number of times where peaceful Indians got massacred. But cooler heads ultimately prevailed and Indians were put on reservations. Would he do that to the Palestinians? Sure sounds like he's saying they're all sitting ducks in Gaza so finish the job and completely annihilate them.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
What Red Herring? He said if he came upon Indians in Oklahoma he would kill them. That's exactly what happened a number of times where peaceful Indians got massacred. But cooler heads ultimately prevailed and Indians were put on reservations. Would he do that to the Palestinians? Sure sounds like he's saying they're all sitting ducks in Gaza so finish the job and completely annihilate them.
I’d kill any threat to myself or my family. The only good Indian was a dead Indian in those days. Tough times, some things never change. We have to worry about your buddies, the illegals over here.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
We made promises to get our allies and their families out. Biden deserted them. Who are the evil ones in this scenario? Over 100,000 people left behind with many executed. People would be stupid to cooperate with us in the future.
That’s on the current idiot in charge


Well-Known Member
I’d kill any threat to myself or my family. The only good Indian was a dead Indian in those days. Tough times, some things never change. We have to worry about your buddies, the illegals over here.
You do know we had a half Indian vice-president in those days? The point I'm trying to make is you kill people who are actively threatening you and your family. You don't kill people because you think they're all this or that so let's kill them all.


Well-Known Member
Trump blew up a good nuclear deal we had with Iran. There was zero proof they were breaking the deal. Now we’re seeing what happens when we don’t keep our word.
How do you know there wasn't proof? Look at what they're doing, attacking our Middle East stations through proxies. And that's with our administration who has bent over backwards to be nice to them.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You do know we had a half Indian vice-president in those days? The point I'm trying to make is you kill people who are actively threatening you and your family. You don't kill people because you think they're all this or that so let's kill them all.
I don’t know anything of the sort. You have an existential threat, you do your best to eliminate it. No equivocating.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
But we're going on about how they're all this or that when it was us who really effed them over.
It doesn’t excuse them for all the heinous things they’ve done. The so called Palestinians voted overwhelmingly for Hamas. They reaped the whirlwind. Elections have consequences.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
So any Indian minding his business was fair game to be killed back in the day?
Yes. They had their norms and values, we had ours. How many whites were killed and horribly tortured by those Red Devils? Can you blame whites for hating indigenous people back then? Not saying it was right, it was the period. You’d be the same way if you’re old man got scalped.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The so called Palestinians voted overwhelmingly for Hamas.

And they'd apparently do so again if another election were held today.

Palestinian poll shows a rise in Hamas support and close to 90% | AP News

December 13, 2023

"A wartime opinion poll among Palestinians published Wednesday shows a rise in support for Hamas, which appears to have ticked up even in the devastated Gaza Strip, and an overwhelming rejection of Western-backed President Mahmoud Abbas, with nearly 90% saying he must resign."

"57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack, the poll indicated. A large majority believed Hamas’ claims that it acted to defend a major Islamic shrine in Jerusalem against Jewish extremists and win the release of Palestinian prisoners. Only 10% said they believed Hamas has committed war crimes"

any Indian minding his business was fair game to be killed back in the day?
Yes. They had their norms and values

They did. And they were killing each other long before any Europeans arrived.

“Despite the myth that Aboriginals lived in happy harmony before the arrival of Europeans, war was central to the way of life of many First Nation cultures."

"From a young age, boys were initiated into the use of weapons and were taught how to kill both animals and humans. The interrelationships between war and hunting were so close that warriors going to battle would sometimes say they were going ‘hunting for men.’"