
Well-Known Member
Yes that's why he did it through a letter someone else wrote and signed and released on Twitter while he's still MIA.

I'd have more respect for you if you just admitted you don't care much for democracy, the party's power matters most.
So now the conspiracy is that the letter wasn’t written by Biden and he was forced to do this?

So what will the conspiracy change to once Biden says it in person?

“I'd have more respect for you if you just admitted you don't care much for democracy, the party's power matters most.”

Pretty ironic coming from a guy voting for the person who hosted an event called “stop the steal” while the votes were by certified


Well-Known Member
Do you have any evidence that anything his Twitter account puts out is from him?

I can link you to an article about the woman who writes his tweets for him. If you would like to be educated let me know.
Everyone knows he doesn’t tweet himself.

You said he’s MIA and didn’t write the letter himself

Either you’re implying this was released without his knowledge and/or consent, or you’re just saying he literally didn’t type it out himself, which is a stupid waste of time to even be discussing


Well-Known Member
So now the conspiracy is that the letter wasn’t written by Biden and he was forced to do this?

So what will the conspiracy change to once Biden says it in person?

“I'd have more respect for you if you just admitted you don't care much for democracy, the party's power matters most.”

Pretty ironic coming from a guy voting for the person who hosted an event called “stop the steal” while the votes were by certified
I doubt that he was forced to sign it other than the pressure put on him to resign. But there's no way Joe composed and typed that letter. No doubt he and Jill read it before he signed. But if Joe was capable of composing such a letter he wouldn't be resigning.


Well-Known Member
That it's pretty stupid to make such an important and historic announcement by tweeting it.

Do you agree?
No I don’t agree, I don’t care and I didn’t even think about it.

It’s 2024, Twitter is the easiest and quickest way to release a statement now for as many people to see it.

Why are you even talking about this lol, who cares? Or are you implying he wasn’t behind the message?


Well-Known Member
No I don’t agree, I don’t care and I didn’t even think about it.

It’s 2024, Twitter is the easiest and quickest way to release a statement now for as many people to see it.

Why are you even talking about this lol, who cares? Or are you implying he wasn’t behind the message?
It's an official government act that will be recorded in the National Archives. You don't conduct official government business on Twitter. You give opinions and attack or defend the opinions of others on Twitter. Do you think the CEO of a major corporation puts out a quarterly report to his shareholders on Twitter?


Well-Known Member
It's an official government act that will be recorded in the National Archives. You don't conduct official government business on Twitter. You give opinions and attack or defend the opinions of others on Twitter.
Trumps own DOJ argued in court that “that Trump's tweets were "official statements of the President of the United States."

Also, the spokesperson for the US National Archives said “Trump's tweets are considered presidential records”


Well-Known Member
Trumps own DOJ argued in court that “that Trump's tweets were "official statements of the President of the United States."

Also, the spokesperson for the US National Archives said “Trump's tweets are considered presidential records”
Trump giving his opinion on social media. Not the same as an official act of a president. Should the president sign bills into law in the Oval Office or should he, for expedience sake, put everything on Twitter?


Well-Known Member
Trump giving his opinion on social media. Not the same as an official act of a president. Should the president sign bills into law in the Oval Office or should he, for expedience sake, put everything on Twitter?
Ok you got me, it was very inappropriate of him to do. It was very unpresidential, he should step down, I won’t be voting for him in 2024 now

But seriously, is this even an official act? Sounds like an official statement to me. He’s not stepping down as president, he’s declining run for re-election
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Well-Known Member
Ok you got me, it was very inappropriate of him to do. It was very unpresidential, he should step down, I won’t be voting for him in 2024 now

But seriously, is this even an official act? Sounds like an official statement to me. He’s not stepping down as president, he’s declining run for re-election
It's definitely more substantial than putting it on Twitter/X. If states need to know he'll be on their ballot, if his schedule has to make room for campaigning and debates, or not, then yes I'd say declaring his candidacy or withdrawing his candidacy is an official act.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Ok you got me, it was very inappropriate of him to do. It was very unpresidential, he should step down, I won’t be voting for him in 2024 now

But seriously, is this even an official act? Sounds like an official statement to me. He’s not stepping down as president, he’s declining run for re-election

Read somewhere that he didn't even inform his staff before sending the letter. He will not resign, it was part of his severance package. Harris will now have 6 months of protection if things go South, either domestically and internationally, the spin is on. The only protection we have is that Trump is more than likely going to be our next president, deals are already being made. This isn't his first rodeo. This is the beginning of the end for WOKE ideology, expect a lot of "We are Women hear me Roar" media chatter, much like the depiction of George Floyd during the Summer of Love. We see through that but a disturbing amount of our citizens have no common sense. I remember seeing a news conference during the first of many of the Trump impeachment hearings, Schumer was having a news conference and behind him were Harris and Sherrod Brown joking around laughing, Schumer turned around and stared them down. Harris's facial reaction indicated total distain.

People are forgetting that Harris is over 60 years old, she is old enough to be Vance's mother. Anybody under 40 will not relate to her, she did a terrible job with being the "border czar", has no real international experience dealing with the power brokers. Putin will eat her alive and spit out the bones for Iran and China, her "La, La" land mindset has been documented over the years..she has a lot of personality quirks that will not change over the next 6 months, locking her in a basement will not work, she will be on display 24/7. I believe that the a vast majority of the Democratic minority voters can't stand her, much like Hillary. Can she win by badmouthing the Supreme Court, claiming to be a African American, promoting full term abortions and push WOKE discriminatory policies in Government and the Private Sector I do not think so, but stranger things have happened...


Staff member
View attachment 493614
I don’t know, he does seem a little scared…

Right wing talking points seem to be shifting to “they shouldn’t be able to do this”

At the very least, I think they would rather have Biden in there than her
They absolutely would have a better chance with Biden than her.

But Donald Trump is not scared of her. Looks more like them trying to weaponize the legal system to disable a political opponent.

I wonder where they learned that from…


Got the T-Shirt