
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

El Correcto

god is dead
I never heard of beard length as a qualifier except for the Amish. Last I heard they don't drive trucks.
Victimized by beard standards. lol. No wonder stock is going to s:censored2:t.
Respects what that is "yours"?

You forgot no military. ( It has been one of the worst things to ever happen to the military)
Right to marry. Even Hillary said no gay marriage. But, like all leftist changed her mind.
What public service has been denied homos?
Sex in your house? Being fined? I don't remember that one.
Lawrence v Texas.
Texas still has the defunct law on the books as a “tradition”.
Right to public services is still mostly state regulated unlike services for Christians.

Am I protected from discrimination in public accommodations, like shops and restaurants?​

Your rights​

There is no federal law that bans discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in public accommodations, like restaurants, theaters and other businesses. However, state and local laws where you live may ban this kind of discrimination.

I’m facing religious discrimination by a business​

Your rights​

  • Under Title II of the Civil Rights Act, certain places of business, such as most restaurants, hotels, movie theaters, sports arenas, stadiums, and other entertainment venues, are called “public accommodations.” Public accommodations cannot discriminate against customers based on their religion. You have the right to the full use and enjoyment of these places regardless of your faith. Some state and local laws may prohibit religious discrimination by other types of businesses, such as retail stores.
  • Public accommodations cannot turn you away because of your hijab, yarmulke, turban, or other religious appearance or dress, or demand that you remove it in order to obtain goods or services.

I don’t know how much of a case they would have for their beards in a legal battle, but no manager forces the issue once religion is brought into the conversation.

Yes I’m fully aware anti-gay sentiment ran through America on both sides of the political spectrum and discrimination was widely accepted.


Inordinately Right
That’s what I’m trying to explain to you but you keep telling on your self. Most people don’t have “abnormal desires” to give in to

It shouldn’t be an “easy way out”.

It shouldn’t be hard. If you’re gay, come out, otherwise you’re going to be hateful and bitter. If you’re having other “abnormal desires” SEEK THERAPY AND GET HELP
So much projection in your post.

Seek help Harry.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
His generation seems to struggle knowing up from down.
No real alpha male role models. My role models were WW2 and Korean War vets. The class before mine went to Nam. Point being, we were men back then, there was no alternative, nor is there. And most importantly, we were instructed by men, not beta either.