Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Florida has a lot more seniors than most states and that's where most of those deaths occured. It's been well established that children are essentially safe from Covid and that teachers were not in danger. Like all states Florida shut down early because like all states they didn't know what they were dealing with. But when it was realized that children weren't in danger DeSantis opened back up the schools as well as businesses. It was the right thing to do. Other states held on to lock downs as long as possible and it's now being realized the damage that did to kids. And Florida never told people to not get the vaccines and we had long lines when they came available. Florida also offered other therapies like monoclonal antibodies which the Federal government cut off the supply to even though it had proven effective. We have a very proactive state government here which should worry the Democrats because DeSantis has a proven track record to run on.
A Harvard study from 2021 revealed that infants, children and adolescents could carry and spread the COVID Virus.1


All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
A Harvard study from 2021 revealed that infants, children and adolescents could carry and spread the COVID Virus.1
And numerous studies showed children as well as younger than 60 adults in good health had little to fear from Covid. Should we shut down schools every flu season?

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
The average flu season sees 300k hospitalizations and 30k deaths. In the last six months, the US is averaging 30k hospitalizations and 4k in the ICU per day for COVID related illnesses. The fear is doing too little and contributing to excess suffering.


Well-Known Member
The average flu season sees 300k hospitalizations and 30k deaths. In the last six months, the US is averaging 30k hospitalizations and 4k in the ICU per day for COVID related illnesses. The fear is doing too little and contributing to excess suffering.
A quick check on Google got 564 per day in the U.S. Pretty much every state has lifted its Covid restrictions so why are you hanging on?


Well-Known Member
Can you tell me how many people died from vaccine side effects? I have a feeling it might’ve been in the dozens.
I don't know. Why don't you check VAERS? But there's no way deaths amongst 20 somethings is more than any other group except teens and children. And absolutely no comparison to those in their 70's and 80's.


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
I don't know. Why don't you check VAERS? But there's no way deaths amongst 20 somethings is more than any other group except teens and children. And absolutely no comparison to those in their 70's and 80's.
No one ever said that it was, just that too many people died