Well-Known Member
Ok I’m grateful that you’re the smart one here because your intelligence and ability to understand situations did such a great job the last four years. I believe the last few years no one has been trying to be influenced by propaganda, such as you. You even wish people dead because you believe propaganda. does it get anymore twisted?They believe that way because of ignorance and propaganda. That bothers me. We're giving up a great position of leadership.
Please don’t lecture people on propaganda when you swallow it hook line and sinker daily.
Also humorous is Trump hasn’t brought the price of eggs down like you say he promised and you taunt and mock that, but he’s trying to do this that he promised, and you’re still not happy.
You’re just gonna have to sit down and shut up and understand that your side screwed up so badly, this is the consequence but this is how it is. This is what the American people elected him to do.
This is one of the things I think he’s exactly right on. Europe is a leech on our backs.