
Well-Known Member

View attachment 513718
You're in luck. Trump can't pull us out of NATO on his own.


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY what Putin says. He’s trying to undermine us. It’s working.
So he wants Undermine us by keeping us hostage to Europe and their demands? That’s weird. It’s really shameful for a United States president to actually do what his constituents and the vast majority of voters wanted, isn’t it?

Again, you constantly show you’re not really American you’re a globalist. Americans interest is not in war.
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Gotta Go

Well-Known Member
Europe has given more...
To the Russian war machine...
Than they have Ukraine...


Well-Known Member
Bears repeating that you believe a man who told you, with a straight face, that Haitians in Ohio were eating dogs and cats and geese from the city’s ponds.
i cringed when i saw Trump say that in the debate. three days later the internet was flooded with vids of Trump saving the cats and dogs in ohin. the guy is a marketing genius.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
They want the status quo...we spend the bulk of the money needed for their defense.
And they buy our weapons and we each have stable and safe commerce.

I recommend the book ‘The End of the World is Just the Beginning’ which is about the collapse of the American-led order and the end of the benefits of globalization that grew out of it post-1945.


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY what Putin says. He’s trying to undermine us. It’s working.
in 1991 We ( Baker) told Gorbachev that if he was okay with Germany uniting then we would not move nato one inch closer to Russia.
we've been breaking the promise ever since.
multiple countries added to nato
missles moving into european countries in violation of arms agreements with Russia
violated both minsk agreements with Russia
this to help the Ukraine one of the most corrupt countries in the world and one of the biggest hotbeds for nazism in the world.

I'm no fan of Putin i know what a cold blooded dictator he has been but at some point we have to take our share of the blame for what led to this war.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
It’s absurd you think they should demand anything from us.
We bribed them (Western Europe) post-World War 2 to give up their larger armies and territorial ambitions in exchange to be able to grow their economies through mutual cooperation. We provide most security oversight and the European continent stayed peaceful for the first times ever over multiple generations. We have benifitted in an enormous myriad of ways. Russia and others would love for that system to break apart so that they can divide and conquer over time.


Well-Known Member
We bribed them (Western Europe) post-World War 2 to give up their larger armies and territorial ambitions in exchange to be able to grow their economies through mutual cooperation. We provide most security oversight and the European continent stayed peaceful for the first times ever over multiple generations. We have benifitted in an enormous myriad of ways. Russia and others would love for that system to break apart so that they can divide and conquer over time.
Wait a minute I thought Russia was almost defeated? You’re nonsense Literally makes no sense.

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member
We bribed them (Western Europe) post-World War 2 to give up their larger armies and territorial ambitions in exchange to be able to grow their economies through mutual cooperation. We provide most security oversight and the European continent stayed peaceful for the first times ever over multiple generations. We have benifitted in an enormous myriad of ways. Russia and others would love for that system to break apart so that they can divide and conquer over time.
Copy paste...
The Marshall Plan...
I see...