The Trump Election and FedEx


Well-Known Member
van has a problem with being passive/aggressive. He hates FedEx, so he comes back...twice. He loves this country, which hasn't been all that great to him despite his obvious Horatio Alger work ethic, so he's moving to Mexico...again. Or is it some other country with free health care where you can live like a king for 500 rupees per month?

He hates Smith, but simultaneously admires him because he is a paragon of GOP "success". He wants a union because "Fred deserves one", but he supports the GOP, which hates all unions.

van, I love you but I don't...again. I'm confused.
I have seen plenty of VanT's The want to be conservatives but they don't have enough money to be conservatives. So all they can do is to talk the talk. Therefore VT needs to go back talk to his TM and ask to stay on for a while longer like I don't know maybe another 20 years ought to do it. But as he says he's in his 50's has chronic RA and Type 2. Now there is a program that we evil communist pinko liberals put in play decades ago in response to conditions like that it's called Social Security Disability. But things like a program to help pay medical expenses for people with lower incomes who worked hard to make somebody else rich or to help a child who can't read or to help a bright young talent to get an education or to help a community that has had natural disaster, to help people who through no fault of their own lost their jobs or to try to keep the air he breathes or the water he drinks safe ( I hear they don't do much of that in Mexico) or when he gets on an airplane his trip will be the safest possible.Things like this in VT's eye are a burden to many millions of people and must be abolished. Yes many programs could use updating. But without them then what would you have?........Well,...Mexico. First he was going to Romania where World War 3 like WW 1 and 2 will be fought. So now it's Mexico. So let's give old VT 2 maybe 3 years living in a third world country he'll be crawling back to the states. Why? Because it's still better here.


Well-Known Member
I have seen plenty of VanT's The want to be conservatives but they don't have enough money to be conservatives. So all they can do is to talk the talk. Therefore VT needs to go back talk to his TM and ask to stay on for a while longer like I don't know maybe another 20 years ought to do it. But as he says he's in his 50's has chronic RA and Type 2. Now there is a program that we evil communist pinko liberals put in play decades ago in response to conditions like that it's called Social Security Disability. But things like a program to help pay medical expenses for people with lower incomes who worked hard to make somebody else rich or to help a child who can't read or to help a bright young talent to get an education or to help a community that has had natural disaster, to help people who through no fault of their own lost their jobs or to try to keep the air he breathes or the water he drinks safe ( I hear they don't do much of that in Mexico) or when he gets on an airplane his trip will be the safest possible.Things like this in VT's eye are a burden to many millions of people and must be abolished. Yes many programs could use updating. But without them then what would you have?........Well,...Mexico. First he was going to Romania where World War 3 like WW 1 and 2 will be fought. So now it's Mexico. So let's give old VT 2 maybe 3 years living in a third world country he'll be crawling back to the states. Why? Because it's still better here.
Still haven't answered my question. And who says I'm against Social Security Disability? What I'm against is waste, fraud, abuse, and healthy adults making a lifestyle out of gov't handouts. And I realize we need a much better economy to get those folks to work AND start paying down the debt to a manageable level. What we don't need is a bunch of Alinskyites trying to bring the whole system down and replace it with socialism. They are the true enemies of the republic.

And I know why you hate my going to Mexico so much. You thought you were building wealth becoming a contractor, and the American Dream was in your grasp. Didn't turn out that way. And now some lowly courier is sailing off into the sunset, perfectly content with what he'll have. I'm not playing by the "rules." Just so you know, I'm in Mexico until my dog dies, then I'll look at Europe. Cheap, short flights, great weather, low costs, and fast internet are great reasons to stay in Mexico. And I've been there, love it. The only reason to return to the States is we'll have our house paid off and it's where my wife wants to be. Hey, your party wants open borders. If they can come up here then I can certainly go there.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Mondale was the whupping of a lifetime. This? Not so much.

Mondale's beating was in terms of the margin of victory. This was is in terms of expectations vs the outcome. The prediction was that Hillary would win in a Goldwater-esque massacre of as many as 400 (or more) electoral votes and the taking of one, if not both, chambers of Congress.

The widespread reactions to the contest sum it up better than I ever could.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
White people had no reason to fear Obama because it wasn't open season on them like it's going to be on LGBT, Hispanics etc. now that the deplorables have won the day and are going to put those pesky coloreds in their places. He's going to build that great wall and deport all the desirables. You know, the ones that watch your kids. mow your lawn, and serve you at almost any local restaurant.

Just like the liberals said in 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000, and 2004. Yawn.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
Just so you know, I'm in Mexico until my dog dies, then I'll look at Europe..
Wait, van, what?...I was following along pretty good up til this point. Is "until my dog dies" a euphemism for something that I've just never heard of?.....or does your dog have objections to the EU?.....'Splain please


Well-Known Member
Of course. A politician lied? Shocker!

Donald Trump built his whole campaign on big ol' whoppers and horribly divisive rhetoric.

But it is what it is and we'll "give something else a shot". It won't be good for the middle class but hey, we showed those elitist bastards, didn't we?!

Now we'll get the government we truly deserve. Bend over.
I bet everybody gets a trophy in your soccer league


Well-Known Member
Still haven't answered my question. And who says I'm against Social Security Disability? What I'm against is waste, fraud, abuse, and healthy adults making a lifestyle out of gov't handouts. And I realize we need a much better economy to get those folks to work AND start paying down the debt to a manageable level. What we don't need is a bunch of Alinskyites trying to bring the whole system down and replace it with socialism. They are the true enemies of the republic.

And I know why you hate my going to Mexico so much. You thought you were building wealth becoming a contractor, and the American Dream was in your grasp. Didn't turn out that way. And now some lowly courier is sailing off into the sunset, perfectly content with what he'll have. I'm not playing by the "rules." Just so you know, I'm in Mexico until my dog dies, then I'll look at Europe. Cheap, short flights, great weather, low costs, and fast internet are great reasons to stay in Mexico. And I've been there, love it. The only reason to return to the States is we'll have our house paid off and it's where my wife wants to be. Hey, your party wants open borders. If they can come up here then I can certainly go there.
They key word here is........SOCIAL as in SOCIAL SECURITY. There again if there is a program that is socialized in nature that's good for you then it's the greatest thing ever. But if there is another program that has socialist undertones that doesn't put cash in your pocket it is then in your mind's eye a bastion of " waste fraud and abuse".


Staff member
The economy as a whole.

But we have completely lost our way, politically and economically. Just as government should serve the people, so also should the economy serve the people. It's the reverse and your statement illustrates it.


Well-Known Member
They key word here is........SOCIAL as in SOCIAL SECURITY. There again if there is a program that is socialized in nature that's good for you then it's the greatest thing ever. But if there is another program that has socialist undertones that doesn't put cash in your pocket it is then in your mind's eye a bastion of " waste fraud and abuse".
Again, it's social insurance, not socialism. And Obamacare only hurts me in that our deductibles have gone through the roof. But it hurts plenty of others. And you still won't answer my question. When the Democrats are in power and pass legislation, does it only apply to Democrats? Or does it apply to all of us as the law of the land? Why won't you answer the question? If I'm not entitled to it in your view, then no one who votes Republican should get it either, nor should they be forced to participate in it in any way. Which means an immediate reduction in monthly payments to all the Democrat recipients. Probably won't be able to cover Social Security Disability either without all the matching funds from Republican businessmen. When the mob forms you may want to run to Mexico yourself.


Well-Known Member
Wait, van, what?...I was following along pretty good up til this point. Is "until my dog dies" a euphemism for something that I've just never heard of?.....or does your dog have objections to the EU?.....'Splain please
He's too old(15) to endure that long of a flight, might kill him. Not cheap either. It's just him and me in Mexico, my wife doesn't want to go, but she's willing to go to Europe as long as he doesn't. She's not a dog person.