The Trump Election and FedEx


Well-Known Member
Trump creating better jobs? No. He'll create more wealth for the top and more debt for the rest of us.[/Q
It would appear that Bounty and VanT actually believe that 3 guys who ran investment banks that had to take money from the government TARP program to keep from going under who want Dodd Frank the successor to Glass Steagall to be repealed so the can go back to their old greedy ways are going to put the interests and economic security of the American people first.


Engorged Member
When 3 names his short list for Treasury Secretary are Jamie Dimon ( JP Morgan Bank) and 2 guys from Goldman Sachs, all thoroughly committed to the repeal of Dodd Frank do you really think the conditions for the average American worker are going to improve?

You can show the usual suspects the absolutely obvious, and they still won't get it.

That's how ignorance works.


Well-Known Member
Too long, got bored reading it. At best trump voters chose him in spite of blatant racism and hate. They chose to overlook it and now we have a white nationalist as top advisor to the potus. Give him a chance? I did, his first decision was to appoint a white supremacist, chance over.
Trump got what he wanted from this nation's depressed predominately white rural areas......their vote. Now is he going to do something for them?...Not a chance. The only thing rural white America is going to get out of the Trump presidency is the opportunity to get even angrier and even worse off once Trump and the fiscal hardliners in Congress abolish the social programs and without Obamacare rural hospitals will continue to close down.. When it happens who will rural America blame it on? The Democrats because they didn't stop it. Never mind the fact that it was the minority party in Congress and lacked the votes to do anything. Going forward, if you're rich, white and Republican the best days of your life lay ahead.


Well-Known Member
Trump got what he wanted from this nation's depressed predominately white rural areas......their vote. Now is he going to do something for them?...Not a chance. The only thing rural white America is going to get out of the Trump presidency is the opportunity to get even angrier and even worse off once Trump and the fiscal hardliners in Congress abolish the social programs and without Obamacare rural hospitals will continue to close down.. When it happens who will rural America blame it on? The Democrats because they didn't stop it. Never mind the fact that it was the minority party in Congress and lacked the votes to do anything. Going forward, if you're rich, white and Republican the best days of your life lay ahead.
Less social programs sounds great to me.
How about if you are an able bodied person, you get a job and contribute to society and stop being a draw on the system.


Well-Known Member
Less social programs sounds great to me.
How about if you are an able bodied person, you get a job and contribute to society and stop being a draw on the system.
Check out Neel Kashkari's interview on CNBC then ask yourself if you have enough personal wealth to do without Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid when you are in a nursing home and your money's gone . You see a hard line conservative like yourself doesn't believe in these programs and are constantly calling for their repeal. So as they say buddy......Be careful what you wish might get it.


Well-Known Member
Check out Neel Kashkari's interview on CNBC then ask yourself if you have enough personal wealth to do without Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid when you are in a nursing home and your money's gone . You see a hard line conservative like yourself doesn't believe in these programs and are constantly calling for their repeal. So as they say buddy......Be careful what you wish might get it.
They are Not the programs I'm referring to.


Active Member
When you are on your packet and day 30 comes following the supervisor tells me my production is not consistent so he is going to extend 15 days. I have been told I'm basically going to be seasonal and the manager is just giving me some days to earn money... what y'all think? Is he really extending or will I end up seasonal.


Do wha Chowdy? Sounds like your question needs its own thread...

I just thought it was interesting. It mostly talks about rural white poverty and how if you're white and in poverty, it's perceived that you must have made poor choices. If you're minorities in poverty, you have an "army" fighting for you and how it's likely institutionalized poverty. Also how the rural white communities, in general, have been forgotten/written off.


Well-Known Member
They are Not the programs I'm referring to.
Oh I get it. You're like VanT . The programs that do not currently benefit you and are not likely to in the future should be eliminated. Sorry Buddy the fiscal hardliners are going after everything including the ones that have been around for generations So long that people have taken them so for granted that they don't realize that all it takes is a piece of paper and a Presidents signature and off they go into the sunset. Then again this is what you wanted so just eat it and smile.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Trump got what he wanted from this nation's depressed predominately white rural areas......their vote. Now is he going to do something for them?...Not a chance. The only thing rural white America is going to get out of the Trump presidency is the opportunity to get even angrier and even worse off once Trump and the fiscal hardliners in Congress abolish the social programs and without Obamacare rural hospitals will continue to close down.. When it happens who will rural America blame it on? The Democrats because they didn't stop it. Never mind the fact that it was the minority party in Congress and lacked the votes to do anything. Going forward, if you're rich, white and Republican the best days of your life lay ahead.

The people who least understood the Trump candidacy are the ones making the dumbest predictions about it.


Well-Known Member
Oh I get it. You're like VanT . The programs that do not currently benefit you and are not likely to in the future should be eliminated. Sorry Buddy the fiscal hardliners are going after everything including the ones that have been around for generations So long that people have taken them so for granted that they don't realize that all it takes is a piece of paper and a Presidents signature and off they go into the sunset. Then again this is what you wanted so just eat it and smile.
Relax, nobody is talking the social programs you mentioned in your previous post. Like I said in one of my previous posts, I vote for what matters to me, when Obama came on and was pushing his Obamacare nonsense he said "Americans with healthcare will be able to keep their plan" not only could I not keep my plan I had to pay more for a worse plan. Hillary is just a continuation of his policies.

Another example that hits close to home for me is:

I have a business that hires only people that are legally allowed to work in America.
My competitor hires some illegal immigrants. Trump was the one who said he was going to do something about the things that are affecting me.

If he makes you cry because he is not politically correct, I don't care.

Take care of Americans first!
By the way you eat it and smile, my man won!


Well-Known Member
Relax, nobody is talking the social programs you mentioned in your previous post. Like I said in one of my previous posts, I vote for what matters to me, when Obama came on and was pushing his Obamacare nonsense he said "Americans with healthcare will be able to keep their plan" not only could I not keep my plan I had to pay more for a worse plan. Hillary is just a continuation of his policies.

Another example that hits close to home for me is:

I have a business that hires only people that are legally allowed to work in America.
My competitor hires some illegal immigrants. Trump was the one who said he was going to do something about the things that are affecting me.

If he makes you cry because he is not politically correct, I don't care.

Take care of Americans first!
By the way you eat it and smile, my man won!
Whoa Bucko, take a moment and look at Ryan's plan for Medicare and the Bush plan for privatizing Social Security is expected to be taken up once again in the next session of Congress. So don't try to tell me that these programs are not under pressure. With Obamacare if you had taken the time to learn how the thing works I feel very confident that the results you would have ended up with would be quite favorable. As for immigrants Obama has deported more people than any other president in history. Your Rush Limbaugh handbook only tells you what it wants you to know.