Oh I get it. You're like VanT . The programs that do not currently benefit you and are not likely to in the future should be eliminated. Sorry Buddy the fiscal hardliners are going after everything including the ones that have been around for generations So long that people have taken them so for granted that they don't realize that all it takes is a piece of paper and a Presidents signature and off they go into the sunset. Then again this is what you wanted so just eat it and smile.
Relax, nobody is talking the social programs you mentioned in your previous post. Like I said in one of my previous posts, I vote for what matters to me, when Obama came on and was pushing his Obamacare nonsense he said "Americans with healthcare will be able to keep their plan" not only could I not keep my plan I had to pay more for a worse plan. Hillary is just a continuation of his policies.
Another example that hits close to home for me is:
I have a business that hires only people that are legally allowed to work in America.
My competitor hires some illegal immigrants. Trump was the one who said he was going to do something about the things that are affecting me.
If he makes you cry because he is not politically correct, I don't care.
Take care of Americans first!
By the way you eat it and smile, my man won!