The Trump Election and FedEx

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
But we have completely lost our way, politically and economically. Just as government should serve the people, so also should the economy serve the people. It's the reverse and your statement illustrates it.

That assumes that the economy is a tool that can be used to meet a specific end. It isn't.


Well-Known Member
In theory. In practice it's been pretty dismal with a facade propped up by cheap credit.
Let's give Trump a chance, you might be surprised. I think he will do a lot of things without be worried about who he offends.
He probably will offend you. You do seem a little worried and sensitive.


Staff member
Let's give Trump a chance, you might be surprised. I think he will do a lot of things without be worried about who he offends.
He probably will offend you. You do seem a little worried and sensitive.
Not at all. As I said beforecently, my drivers will take a paycut before I'll feel any pain.


Well-Known Member
Let's give Trump a chance, you might be surprised. I think he will do a lot of things without be worried about who he offends.
He probably will offend you. You do seem a little worried and sensitive.
When 3 names his short list for Treasury Secretary are Jamie Dimon ( JP Morgan Bank) and 2 guys from Goldman Sachs, all thoroughly committed to the repeal of Dodd Frank do you really think the conditions for the average American worker are going to improve?


Well-Known Member
When 3 names his short list for Treasury Secretary are Jamie Dimon ( JP Morgan Bank) and 2 guys from Goldman Sachs, all thoroughly committed to the repeal of Dodd Frank do you really think the conditions for the average American worker are going to improve?