The Trump Election and FedEx


Staff member
And again you won't answer my question. And just because I have always thought Social Security is a very good idea doesn't mean I have to agree that all Democrat ideas are great. Obamacare is hurting people and will ultimately ruin our healthcare system if left in place. If your point of view is valid, that if Republicans don't agree with a Democrat social plan they shouldn't participate, then I guess that lets Republican businessmen off the hook to match employee contributions, right? Or in your estimation everyone gets to participate but me? I stand up for what I believe is right, just like you do. If something is good I say so. I hope you give Trump the same consideration if he does good things.
It's ell established that Obamacare/Romneycare are market-based, center-right creations. Hillary's plan in the 90's was far more liberal/progressive.

The idea that it was Obama who signed the legislation with a democratic party means it was a far left concept s preposterous.

We will see where Trump and the Republicans are this. I know they've talked for years about repeal and replace and put a lot into trying repeal. Replace should prove interesting.

Tired Driver

Sisyphus had it easy.
It's ell established that Obamacare/Romneycare are market-based, center-right creations. Hillary's plan in the 90's was far more liberal/progressive.

The idea that it was Obama who signed the legislation with a democratic party means it was a far left concept s preposterous.

We will see where Trump and the Republicans are this. I know they've talked for years about repeal and replace and put a lot into trying repeal. Replace should prove interesting.

Why should it be replaced?


Well-Known Member
As I said before you hate every democrat initiative that doesn't better you and if Trump lines up with the fiscal hardliners in Congress the outcome is something that can very well hurt you economically and if it does you'll be out there hollering the loudest. As for Obamacare every hospital in area is preparing for it's repeal and they're all saying that we'll be going back to the way it was before where the only paying patients were the ones who had insurance and that wasn't many leaving them no choice but to raise fees and charges high enough to offset the losses.
Hogwash. And you still won't answer my question.


Well-Known Member
As I said before you hate every democrat initiative that doesn't better you and if Trump lines up with the fiscal hardliners in Congress the outcome is something that can very well hurt you economically and if it does you'll be out there hollering the loudest. As for Obamacare every hospital in area is preparing for it's repeal and they're all saying that we'll be going back to the way it was before where the only paying patients were the ones who had insurance and that wasn't many leaving them no choice but to raise fees and charges high enough to offset the losses.
P.S. Why would I like any initiative that doesn't better me? Why would anyone?


Well-Known Member
It's ell established that Obamacare/Romneycare are market-based, center-right creations. Hillary's plan in the 90's was far more liberal/progressive.

The idea that it was Obama who signed the legislation with a democratic party means it was a far left concept s preposterous.

We will see where Trump and the Republicans are this. I know they've talked for years about repeal and replace and put a lot into trying repeal. Replace should prove interesting.
Well it's true that those with $400k+ incomes voted more for Hillary so maybe those Dems who wrote up Obamacare were center-right. Nah, the real conservatives were against it.


Staff member
Well it's true that those with $400k+ incomes voted more for Hillary so maybe those Dems who wrote up Obamacare were center-right. Nah, the real conservatives were against it.
Your understanding of history is horribly flawed.

Here's something to ponder: What if somehow, some way, the Trump administration were able to repeal the law that mandates that companies for a certain items have to provide health insurance. Imagine the economic stimulus.... All those stupid regulations holding industry back. Uncle Freddie would take of you though, right?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
P.S. Why would I like any initiative that doesn't better me? Why would anyone?
Initiatives don't have to better you personally to be worthwhile. Plenty of welfare programs that support poor people don't better me, but they better the society I live in. I'd rather have people be able to eat and support themselves than have them robbing my house. Same can be said of public education, I'd rather not live in a country with uneducated bafoons even though I send my children to private school.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
It's ell established that Obamacare/Romneycare are market-based, center-right creations. Hillary's plan in the 90's was far more liberal/progressive.

The idea that it was Obama who signed the legislation with a democratic party means it was a far left concept s preposterous.

We will see where Trump and the Republicans are this. I know they've talked for years about repeal and replace and put a lot into trying repeal. Replace should prove interesting.
Suggest you buy a new keyboard. Yours is dropping letters and entire words. Dilutes your argument.


Engorged Member
Conjugal? What does a "marital" liar have to do with it? Oh. Wait. You meant compulsive, didn't you!?

We already pretty much know he cheated on her, so maybe he's also a "conjugal" liar. I'll bet he told Melania he was hung like a horse....YUGE!! Anyone with his need for constant attention must be hung like a hamster.


Engorged Member
Your understanding of history is horribly flawed.

Here's something to ponder: What if somehow, some way, the Trump administration were able to repeal the law that mandates that companies for a certain items have to provide health insurance. Imagine the economic stimulus.... All those stupid regulations holding industry back. Uncle Freddie would take of you though, right?

van has a problem with being passive/aggressive. He hates FedEx, so he comes back...twice. He loves this country, which hasn't been all that great to him despite his obvious Horatio Alger work ethic, so he's moving to Mexico...again. Or is it some other country with free health care where you can live like a king for 500 rupees per month?

He hates Smith, but simultaneously admires him because he is a paragon of GOP "success". He wants a union because "Fred deserves one", but he supports the GOP, which hates all unions.

van, I love you but I don't...again. I'm confused.


Well-Known Member
Your understanding of history is horribly flawed.

Here's something to ponder: What if somehow, some way, the Trump administration were able to repeal the law that mandates that companies for a certain items have to provide health insurance. Imagine the economic stimulus.... All those stupid regulations holding industry back. Uncle Freddie would take of you though, right?
Please clarify what you're trying to say. Looks like you wrote that under the influence of something.


Well-Known Member
van has a problem with being passive/aggressive. He hates FedEx, so he comes back...twice. He loves this country, which hasn't been all that great to him despite his obvious Horatio Alger work ethic, so he's moving to Mexico...again. Or is it some other country with free health care where you can live like a king for 500 rupees per month?

He hates Smith, but simultaneously admires him because he is a paragon of GOP "success". He wants a union because "Fred deserves one", but he supports the GOP, which hates all unions.

van, I love you but I don't...again. I'm confused.
Oh come on now, it's well documented here the many years you've put in at a company you loathe. I would've left after they terminated the pension but where was I going to go in the Great Recession? Do you hate America? Why put nefarious motives to everything? I'm moving to Mexico because it's affordable. A lot of you are going to be up against a wall someday when you retire and realize at best you'll be able to scrape by. At best. And when have I ever said on this forum that I admire Smith? Oh sure, in the early days I think most of us did. But not now. And I have repeatedly said that if a company is abusive a union is a good idea to protect employees. But unions in the past have pushed for too much. It's the tried and true method on here to assassinate someone's character if they hit too close to home about the flaws of someone else's political party or business practices. I get that from Dano all the time. The problem with the U.S. is with all the money that flows through Washington you've got too many people who want to skim some for themselves, and too many groups clamoring for that money are willing to make deals with the skimmers to get their's. Hillary was as big a skimmer as you're likely ever to see, and she used your party to get at the money. And her supporters are either naive or hypocrites treating her like a soon to be canonized saint. You don't want to hear that, and thus the character assassination. And on and on it goes.


Well-Known Member
Initiatives don't have to better you personally to be worthwhile. Plenty of welfare programs that support poor people don't better me, but they better the society I live in. I'd rather have people be able to eat and support themselves than have them robbing my house. Same can be said of public education, I'd rather not live in a country with uneducated bafoons even though I send my children to private school.
And I have no problem with those programs as long as they aren't hurting others. Obamacare hurts people.