It's ell established that Obamacare/Romneycare are market-based, center-right creations. Hillary's plan in the 90's was far more liberal/progressive.And again you won't answer my question. And just because I have always thought Social Security is a very good idea doesn't mean I have to agree that all Democrat ideas are great. Obamacare is hurting people and will ultimately ruin our healthcare system if left in place. If your point of view is valid, that if Republicans don't agree with a Democrat social plan they shouldn't participate, then I guess that lets Republican businessmen off the hook to match employee contributions, right? Or in your estimation everyone gets to participate but me? I stand up for what I believe is right, just like you do. If something is good I say so. I hope you give Trump the same consideration if he does good things.
The idea that it was Obama who signed the legislation with a democratic party means it was a far left concept s preposterous.
We will see where Trump and the Republicans are this. I know they've talked for years about repeal and replace and put a lot into trying repeal. Replace should prove interesting.