It's a hard enough job here at UPS and we have to watch out for certain management types, (like you), stabbing us in the back and trying to screw us over too.
When being late by 1 second (yes one second) got a warning, I made sure to grieve the sup who pulled that stunt on some poor kid every second she worked.From what I read, I see plenty of hourly workers posting unreasonable things.
"supervisor worked two minutes, grieve!" and the like.
Technically it maybe grievable. Management can also write you up for showing up a minute late. An employee violates his end of obligations when they show up late without prior approval.
When being late by 1 second (yes one second) got a warning, I made sure to grieve the sup who pulled that stunt on some poor kid every second she worked.
#1 It is an easy job
#2 The only reason a management person would try to screw you over would be if you were not doing your job correctly
#3 We can train children to do these jobs, it's not rocket science
Sorry Socks,
No where within this company is there an 'easy' job, except for maybe sitting behind a desk, acting like the dictator that you aspire to be. If you notice what I said to you yesterday, I highlighted the word 'you', putting emphasis on your so called management style that you say that you use to intimidate your employees. (Whether this is true or not is a moot point to me).
And if you can train children to do this job, I sure would like to see you train a child to memorize every state, which isnt that hard, but also have them learn the first three numbers of every zip code in every state. I would also like to see them pull an over 70lb. pottery barn, or a sleep number bed off the belt, by themselves. In case you forgot from spending sooo much time in your ivory tower, this job is a lot harder, physically and mentally, than you think.
Stop looking in the mirror, Nancy.You remind me of the kid who always had to one-up everyone else in their class.
The Contract provides a built-in discouragement to anyone who would grieve a Supervisor working two minutes. Besides all the trouble fileing a grievance involves, if the grievant makes $8.50 per hour, say, his grievance award, if successful, would be 28 cents. (Admittedly, higher paid employees would get bigger "payoffs.")From what I read, I see plenty of hourly workers posting unreasonable things.
"supervisor worked two minutes, grieve!" and the like.
Technically it maybe grievable. Management can also write you up for showing up a minute late. An employee violates his end of obligations when they show up late without prior approval. . . .
Iowa's mistake was assuming you think.
Stop looking in the mirror, Nancy.
It is amazing how you search me out every day.You add so much to the discussion here.
It is amazing how you search me out every day.
I really don't want to know what makes you chubby running for the corner.My BC search function is set to "childish responses" and posts from you, faded jeans and 407 steward greet me when I log on each morning.
My BC search function is set to "childish responses" and posts from you, faded jeans and 407 steward greet me when I log on each morning.
My BC search function is set to "childish responses" and posts from you, faded jeans and 407 steward greet me when I log on each morning.
Your right what was I thinking..... We teach children foreign languages, I'm sure the zip code thing would be too much.. Sorry
You remind me of the kid who always had to one-up everyone else in their class.
#1 It is an easy job
#2 The only reason a management person would try to screw you over would be if you were not doing your job correctly
#3 We can train children to do these jobs, it's not rocket science