-Then steward (now retired) stopping every truck to inspect...UPS would send empties out to pretend they were making service.
I've heard this many times over the years - never made any sense. I know in the building I was in we never sent out empties, would have been entirely pointless - like somehow seeing a UPS PC driving around would make people think they had actually gotten the package that they knew they hadn't.
If any buildings sent out empties it was likely as a decoy to try and draw off the goons some locals sent out to harass and intimidate the few delivering PCs that did go out.
-B.A. driving in front of every UPS semi as they exited the freeway...Trapped behind him, no way to pass, 2 MPH.
There was a feeder safety manager driving a feeder during the strike who was killed in a crash on a freeway off ramp. I remember speculation that a Union member had run him off the road. Guess now we know.
-Many drivers blocked package cars in at del stops.
Hence the need for the aforementioned decoys
-Laughing (and cat calls) at sweat laden sups and managers exiting the bldg after moving packages for 12 hours.
12 hours? Must have been the part timers. I remember working 14+hours over night and coming home where my roommate (a driver) would be lounging on a float in my pool and would raise his beer in salute and greet me with "how's it going scab!?"
-Talked to a sup right before the strike and he asked me how long I could hold out... I said 4 or 5 years before I would have to touch my savings...Other carriers were hiring as many UPSers as they could for the duration of the strike. So, many of us were working and pulling strike duty.
So you're saying during the strike you went to work for non Union competitors making non Union wages under non Union conditions? You realize that's one of the definitions of a scab, right?