Well-Known Member
Brother and Sisters:
As you get older, your inner life undergoes a great and wonderful simplification-everything pi*ses you off. Here is the short list(taken from a much
longer list) of things that are currently cheesing me off in the world of Fedex:
1.) Getting OLCC'S for not turning in a sale lead a month, not making your name legible in the VIR or putting in wrong yr(00/00/12 instead of 00/00/13). Actually been told a decision day is coming if I am not careful in future.
2.) Signing a workplace violence memo every six months-apparently they don't trust a courier pee-on's short term memory.
3.) Listening to the guy on Frontline every we say in Texas "Big Hat-No Cattle". I always thought this person has not been quite sane for some time. I hope the board of directors in this company takes notice.
4.) This is a big one-changing up the vacation bidding process just before it begins. Let me explain; as far back as I can remember(20+ yrs) we started out with the most senior people on down bidding full vacation weeks in the first round. In my case I could bid up to 5 full weeks in the first round. Not any more. The MD in the district (she who must be obeyed) has decided the new "family friendly option" is more fair and reasonable. This year, a person with 1 to 9 years of service can only select ONE week in first round, a person with over 10 years of sevice but less than 20 can select TWO weeks in the first round and those over 20 years can select THREE weeks in the first round. The second round is used for any remain-
vacation weeks.
Folks, I know what you are thinking and I bet it goes something like this: WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROX! WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROX! Honestly, the reaction has been universal. The war in Afghanistan is going to look like a spitball fight before this is over! We all patiently waited our turn and now the newbies can jump the line. It took me 9 years to get a week in August but I swallowed knowing it would get better later. I know this is an automatic GFT for many people. She is getting a lot of blowback and might reconsider. One can only hope.
Thank you for listening.
Courage and Common Sense.......Proven Tools for Chronic Problems
Sounds like you're in Big Mama's house like us Goldi. Welcome aboard brother, we have water but no kool aid...especially purple and orange.