TOS.. In regards to your response (#26). You need to figure out if UPS is better then the competition or worse. In one paragraph you say people will pay a premium for our services. In the next you talk about how we lost our way and we push production at the expense of service. You mention the drivers fix all the problems, but you mention pissed off customers. If the drivers fixed everything, why are there pissed off customers? If it's because the drivers couldn't fix everything, then maybe our service isn't worth 5-10% more. FDX unfortunately for us, does a decent job. I have had a few deliveries made by them. The box showed up on time, in good shape. I know I won't change your mind. I freely admit, that there are mistakes that we have made in management. It's amazing how 100% of time UPS mgmt is wrong, 100% of time UPS Teamsters are right. 100% of time Bush is wrong, 100% of time Obama is right. I freely admit there are shades of gray in all areas. It's amazing you know so much and are always right. You should become President of UPS or President of the teamsters or President of the US. I'm sure each could use a person that is right 100% of the time. Oh wait... Obama already is... Still leaves you two other options.
Well, my first reaction to your post is to question your intelligence on UPS. I think I was clear in my post, but for those who are intellectually challenged, let me Repeat myself.
UPS is a great company, its concepts for a business were excellent for providing a service to consumers. ALL DRIVERS believe that SERVICE should be our ONLY priority, whereas, guys like you would prefer to paper push a concept that is HURTING this companys operation.
You pointed out that FEDEX rates are cheaper than UPS rates, this is true, however, I countered you with a question. I asked you if you bought your shoes from PAYLESS SHOE SOURCE because those shoes are 80% cheaper than Tom McCann or FootLocker? Are cheaper prices the gauge that all people use to make a business decision?? I am sure you wouldnt walk into a UPS meeting in a pair of PAYLESS shoes on your feet.
I am sure you would invest in a more expensive shoe because of the reliability and ultimate service you would get out of the shoes for the higher price.
I think I have been clear, the management of UPS from the top down have incorporated a position of "weakness" in the daily operation, looking for excuses for every aspect that is failing in the daily operation. Technology was introduced to "dumbdown" the job functions and simplify things, but the only thing that has been "dumbdowned" are the managers like yourself who look upon these programs as a recipe for success.
UPS is "stockpiling" excuses for its operational failures and I will tell you what I have told my Division Manager, "if it were my decision, most of the current managers wouldnt be working for UPS any longer."
IE creates some ludicrous numbers for the day, pickups end up missed, large numbers of NDA are late, average paid day in center is 11.56 hrs (my center yesterday) packages returned to building un-serviced, pickup pieces are returned after 9PM delaying unload, and the feeder load wall, unloaders are walking around for half a shift with nothing to do (on the clock) as they wait for us to trickle in after 830PM.
The next morning, in the managers meeting, everyone reaches for a copy of this book, in order to prepare for the conference call from the Regional who will want to know what happened:
I am not sure if you appreciate "irony" in you life, but what I wrote was very clear. Indeed, we can do great service and be a great company, yet, managers like yourself buy into the contaminated dung that is the current operational structure and screw it all up. It isnt "our" decisions as drivers who gets pissed off or pissed on, its YOURS. If you are in operations, and you accept some load of crap from IE at 430am and you know it will destroy your centers day and the likelyhood of service failures and missed pickups and late NDA will result AND you run the plan nonetheless, then you are an expendable WASTE OF TIME and company PROFITS.
You give that same scenario to a 20+ year driver and he will find solutions and offer "blowback" to who ever punched those stupid numbers in the first place. Thats the problem with todays managers, youre all a bunch of "sackless" drones just trying to make it to retirement and not make waves. This is the problem. Your all weak.
As I said, we have the infrastructure to put FDX out of busines, but we go in the opposite direction. Let me give you an example. In 1997, T. Robinson, the district manager at the time of my region, held a meeting and told us that he wanted us to be the first cars on the road each and every business day, he wanted the customers to see us before they saw any FDX trucks on the road. HE wanted us to make sure there was no late air arriving to customers. Sounds great! We agreed.
But what happened? The company decided to delay the start times of preload pushing our departure times back 45 mins (915am- with 1030am commits and a 20 min drive to area). IN addition, some genious thought it would be great if UPS could offer Vegas to Los Angeles in one day, along with SF to LA in one day and AZ to LA in one day.
Now, the corridors are so tight, that the feeders arrive at the hubs after 8am and the unload, PAS and load belts are backed up and delayed causing our departure times to get pushed back to 935am to 945am with 1030 commits.
Now, we are the last delivery service vehicles on the road and the last to be seen on the road for the day. FEDEX trucks are already burning gas while we sit in the hub waiting for the shovel load just so we can get out of the building and fix the disaster in the truck. By the time I get to my first business stop, FEDEX has already delivered 10% of their loads!! But, wait, you want me to provide a lead...? Get serious.
Further, as each hub cuts routes and keeps drivers out longer(9pm) the unload and load walls go down 2 hours later causing the "HOT" loads from reaching LA in time for a proper sort.
The err's in NDA are caused by this ridiculous program, yet UPS cares less about the customers who paid for premium pkgs and more about some jacked up numbers punched out by some IE GEEK in atlanta who doesnt have the first clue on the operation.
FEDEX isnt increasing volume because its successful, its increasing because "WE" are failing.
You try to make jokes about pissed off customers, you may think its funny. But it AINT YOU standing on that porch at 9PM asking for a signature after you woke up someones kids by ringing the doorbell, honking the horn and yelling out UPS in the dark. All we can do at that point is try to salvage the delivery and possibly the customer. TO YOU, its just the way we do business.
Scott Davis should be embarrassed that he has thousands of service providers in that scenario each and everyday. That is failed leadership. Here's a report to generate, how about a report showing every delivery made after 8PM and 9Pm and have that on Scotts desk so he can see how his handywork is going?
Unfortunately, the truth gets washed out long before anyone at corporate sees the light. The book of excuses does wonders for the UPS management.
As a driver, my load is one of the worst loads in the hub. I average 15 off area a week or 60 off area service failures a month! And no matter how many times you bring it to the attention of someone in charge, its back to the yellow book of excuses.
Why is it, that in the am, a driver can walk in, take a look at his load, make an observation of service, and in a matter of minutes determine how long he will be on the road within a couple of minutes, and UPS has 4 hours to do the same and yet believes it can be done in less time? At the end of the day, the driver is right on , and the dispatch blown to hell.
UPS management is making this company "Weak" and vulnerable to the competition. We can be the best, like we used to be before the wrong people with the wrong ideas took charge.
20 years ago, i would do my route, fill up my truck with pickups, a supervisor was always on road with an empty P10, we would switch and I would continue in the empty till that one was full, then I was in by 7pm breaking standard by 2 hours. Today, i wouldnt do an extra pickup if
YOUR life depended on it.
Back then , incentive meant something, today its useless. Working hard was a part of the program 20 years ago, today, you have made us unwilling to go the extra mile if all that waits for us is a warning letter or a threat of job loss.
You want to hand me a warning letter cause I didnt make that .3 extra on spohr? BLOW IT OUT YOUR
