TOS...I'm assuming you were referring to me. I didn't realize that per you, not reading and responding to you immediately is running away. Since it's been less then 2 days since I last posted on this thread. But again, I find it ironic that you can't seem to agree with yourself. About 2 days ago, you posted I gave a good response, although you disagreed with some of my points. Now you are saying I'm unwilling to engage in a serious debate. Ironically those two statements were made about 11 hours apart. My time is too valuable to waste it spending time discussing points with someone who has a closed mind.
You did have a good response. I made that clear, but I also pointed out it was filled with "HOT AIR" with respect to "numbers".
Your numbers dont add up. You stated the average paid day was 9.3 hours, yet I earn 100K+ for the last three years in a row. 9.3 paid day hours isnt 100K.
Thats how far out of touch with actual numbers you are.
Please address the issues I spoke of, and leave out the fluff.
How do the things I talked about effect the diversion of packages to other carriers vs. your opinion that "rates" are the main cause.
MY time is also valuable (thats why i dont waste it on moreluck), yet I took the time to address you.
Do me the same courtesy.