There will be "concessions"

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS...I'm assuming you were referring to me. I didn't realize that per you, not reading and responding to you immediately is running away. Since it's been less then 2 days since I last posted on this thread. But again, I find it ironic that you can't seem to agree with yourself. About 2 days ago, you posted I gave a good response, although you disagreed with some of my points. Now you are saying I'm unwilling to engage in a serious debate. Ironically those two statements were made about 11 hours apart. My time is too valuable to waste it spending time discussing points with someone who has a closed mind.

You did have a good response. I made that clear, but I also pointed out it was filled with "HOT AIR" with respect to "numbers".

Your numbers dont add up. You stated the average paid day was 9.3 hours, yet I earn 100K+ for the last three years in a row. 9.3 paid day hours isnt 100K.

Thats how far out of touch with actual numbers you are.

Please address the issues I spoke of, and leave out the fluff.

How do the things I talked about effect the diversion of packages to other carriers vs. your opinion that "rates" are the main cause.

MY time is also valuable (thats why i dont waste it on moreluck), yet I took the time to address you.

Do me the same courtesy.



golden ticket member
See, beentheredonethat, you're "out of touch with numbers" !! That means you don't understand. Following the M.O. perfectly!


Active Member
Yes. And the contract is more than just monetary concerns. I want better than to just simply "maintain" the current language. And my brothers and sisters have shown that there are many co ferns to be addressed and improved on. I hope our leadership pushes for those things and we get a contract showing it. If they settle for concessions, I pray everyone votes "NO"!
Record profits this year, stop counts up 20 percent, concessions! I don't think so, if we don't hear what we want in this contract we need to let them know who really makes this company operate like we did 15 years no vote often!


And from what I can see there is still a lot more dead weight that needs to be cut. We are paying 80K a year to center managers that arent even allowed to make a decision. You could replace them all with $10 an hour clerks who read PCM's and rubber-stamp warning letters and no one would even notice a difference. And as long as we are doing stupid crap like spending $1000+ to investigate and prosecute "accidents" that involve cracking a $6 piece of mirror glass on a tree limb, I am really not interested in hearing any more drivel about the competition's "non-union cost advantage".

you have been sounding more and more bitter the last couple months. don't blame you one iota.


you have mentioned that 100 times already....give it a rest nobody cares!

you are totally off base with that comment.

I care. everyone should care. and you should educate yourself on the pitfalls of a 2 tier system.


If Hoffa/Hall are in office at that time we will give more than we receive..

I agree. we gave up somethings in 08 bc the ibt wanted ups freight ( which is stealing feeder work now ) in 2013 hoffa will sell us short in order to get fedex.


Go big orange
I agree. we gave up somethings in 08 bc the ibt wanted ups freight ( which is stealing feeder work now ) in 2013 hoffa will sell us short in order to get fedex.
I agree about the UPS Freight compromise but I don't understand how our contract would play into FredEx being organized.

Now I wanna know if y'all think UPSers would actually vote a contract down that contained substantial concessions? I have yet to vote YES on a single contract since they never addressed our concerns, fully. But they always pass. So I fear if the leadership doesn't get it done from the get go the contract will be voted in.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure a lot of folks from the UAW said the same thing. It didn't turn out to well for them. Advertising is not a waste of money. FDX advertises a lot more then UPS does. As I indicated earlier, we cut out a lot of mgmt positions over the last 20 years and a lot of that was done over the last 5 or so.

Did you ever think those former UPS management are now working for FEDex and kicking your ass now!!


Well-Known Member
I agree about the UPS Freight compromise but I don't understand how our contract would play into FredEx being organized.

Now I wanna know if y'all think UPSers would actually vote a contract down that contained substantial concessions? I have yet to vote YES on a single contract since they never addressed our concerns, fully. But they always pass. So I fear if the leadership doesn't get it done from the get go the contract will be voted in.

Right..I was thinking the samething. What does FedEx have to do with UPS contract negotiations, other than making it harder to get gains for the members. hall said last year this next contract is going to be difficult with the wage/benefit difference between UPS and FedEx. I think you'll see that no matter who wins this next IBT election.

rocket man

Well-Known Member
HOW MANY A HOLES ARE running like dogs giving up lunch giving in to on roads doing them a favor thinking they have new found friends not writing up managment , Have the balls call the 800 220 4126 number when you should put them under the bus Then you say the union is giving up( no) we are because we are the union! Also when you give in to your buddys in managment you may not relize it but your hurting others that are( union) not ups but other companys so stop bitching and do somthing about it, senior drivers talk to younger drivers give advise take them to lunch im sure you can afford it. GET THEM INVOLVED. our farthers grand farthers moms dads kept it going its our turn our future. VOTE FOR FOR WHO YOU THINK IS THE WRIGHT CHOICE AT LEAST WE HAVE A CHOICE our buddys at fedx dont


Well-Known Member
HOW MANY A HOLES ARE running like dogs giving up lunch giving in to on roads doing them a favor thinking they have new found friends not writing up managment , Have the balls call the 800 220 4126 number when you should put them under the bus Then you say the union is giving up( no) we are because we are the union! Also when you give in to your buddys in managment you may not relize it but your hurting others that are( union) not ups but other companys so stop bitching and do somthing about it, senior drivers talk to younger drivers give advise take them to lunch im sure you can afford it. GET THEM INVOLVED. our farthers grand farthers moms dads kept it going its our turn our future. VOTE FOR FOR WHO YOU THINK IS THE WRIGHT CHOICE AT LEAST WE HAVE A CHOICE our buddys at fedx dont
What he said!!!


Staff member



PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
In 2010, D. Scott Davis received $10,726,019 in total compensation. By comparison, the median worker made $33,840 in 2010. D. Scott Davis made 316 times the median worker's pay.

Concessions ?


Für Meno :)
In 2010, D. Scott Davis received $10,726,019 in total compensation. By comparison, the median worker made $33,840 in 2010. D. Scott Davis made 316 times the median worker's pay.

Concessions ?

Considering he gets 4-5 weeks vacation per year, he earns about $47.000 per day.
Is has gotten out of hand, and OWS is right.