They didn't say anything about being in a box...


What's in the box!!!!!?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
It's also hard to believe that people who order so much sh_t online own no packaging tape.


Resident Suit
You have a terrible OMS. No way should they of had you pick that up.

That's what call tags are for.
We regularly get those. Message always says "Bring to local sort sup, he will figure it out."

Yeah because I have nothing better to do than figure out crap that the OMS should be doing instead of playing Candy Crush on her phone.


Well-Known Member
A customer that I don't know that well or even at all HELL NO, if its a customer that I know very well and for some odd reason doesn't have a box for it, I will take 1 of the ups shipper boxes or the appropriate envelope from the supplies I keep on the truck and kindly put it in there, seal it up and put the call tag on it so it can be shipped. Ill kindly remind the customer for now on, it needx to be in a box and I can do you this favor this time, but please have it prepared next time, saying this nicely in a professional manner.
Now that's how it's done. Nice job!