Things that really annoy me or pet peeves


Staff member
Making us do stretches at the pcm ....kindergarten
I don't do that.
Those PCM stretches are only going to hurt you. You really should be holding each stretch for a minimum 10 seconds, instead of 10 seconds total for all stretches.


Well-Known Member
Is it your Walmart I always see those pictures from?

(ps, thanks More)
Just yesterday:


Well-Known Member
Employees of a commercial delivery or one of the workers from one next door who park in front of the recieving door. I understand if they are loading or unloading, but just parking there for long periods of time annoys me to no end.


golden ticket member
Why would someone walk around this way? What is their intent? Is is for the shock value and nothing else? Are they that starved for attention? Someone please enlighten me.
Same as tattoos or multiple piercings. I try to picture all of them as 70 or 80 year olds and laugh like crazy.