Those moments!!



Go to a house guy dressed as women comes out, do DR met customer man or front door
I love it when I actually hit the wrong one (MCM/MCW) from time to time on accident. Sometimes on purpose.


Well-Known Member
That moment you pull up on the curb to make a delivery(fold mirror in, e-break up, put the flashers on). Coming back out you notice a car pull up closely behind the truck, backs up and go around it. Didn't see the flashers?

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Delivered 11 cases of seeds to a farmer today. One of them left a trail from my car to the drop point.

Me: "Sorry about that, sir, didn't know she was leaking..."

Him: "Don't worry about it, I leave more in my equipment than that... Wonder what it is. Oh, it's BEANS..."

Me: "The Magical Fruit?"

Him: *sharp glance*

Me:"What's your last name?"

Guess I'll be 12 years old forever... : /


Those times when you hear your 2 wheeler fall over & start banging against what you swear is any & all open space in the cargo area absolutely scaring the shizz out of you & after a few minutes you non chalantly say, "Oooo... That can't be good." Lmao.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
"I want to file a complaint, what is your name? Last week you left a box out in the rain and it was ruined. I am going to get you fired!"
Driver: "Ummm.... I was on vacation last week"
The look on their face is priceless!


Well-Known Member
"I want to file a complaint, what is your name? Last week you left a box out in the rain and it was ruined. I am going to get you fired!"
Driver: "Ummm.... I was on vacation last week"
The look on their face is priceless!

At that point I would have apologized and given them the local number so that their concern could be addressed without a formal concern initiated.


Well-Known Member
Got an on call pick up for 15 pkgs. When you get to the stop and look at each pkg you notice all of them has the same label on wth they was thinking....


Well-Known Member
Moment when you don't have any asd and the on call needs it. So guess it's a non p/u not ready.... I mean dang get a printer and a credit card while you're at it lol