On Monday June 16 I was threatened with termination for refusing to go help a driver after I had done 200 stops .. I was sent a msg in my board at 630 pm to go help on a route even though I had 20+ left of my own and a misroute to run , and a ton of pick up pieces .... On returning to the building I was told that if didn't go back out to help I would be terminated by my supervisor and then again by my manager over a phone call . I told them I couldn't as I'm in the process of trying to sell my house and had papers to sign with my realtor , but I went back out anyway in fear of losing my job . I rescheduled my appt for today and the same thing happened , I told them I could bring in another guys pick up pieces and if possible take a few stops ( which I was unable to do ) I was greeted by my manager and told I had not followed orders and would be pulled in the office in the morning . My shop steward has filed for harassment against me . I should add that I'm a scratch/bonus driver and show up everyday to work and help out ALOT .