Transfer To Another Country


Well-Known Member
Canada is a beautiful country. Canadians enjoy many of those same freedoms and have superior healthcare.

i think canada is quite corrupt and were influenced by what goes on in america. ralph nader just told our prime minister to stop acting like w bush. canada is 1 of the leading countries trying to push the world off the climate cliff with the tar sands. and our weather stinks, where im from it rains / overcast 7 months a year. and our social policy is nothing exceptional, worse than EU. my grandma was born in poland, so when i get some dough im doing the citizenship by descent program and then im gonna move to france or italy.


Gone Fish'n
Canada is a beautiful country. Canadians enjoy many of those same freedoms and have superior healthcare.
Both are not entirely true. If you'd like to have actual studies on comparing the actual differences of the two as it pertains to healthcare, with actual data studied, then perhaps you should read this.

Just a snippet

In the final section of their paper, the authors consider several measures of the success of the two health care systems. The first and perhaps simplest measure is the level of satisfaction reported by patients. Americans are more likely to report that they are fully satisfied with the health services they have received and to rank the quality of care as excellent.


Well-Known Member
I lived there for six years. The whole state is not the ugliness that is Camden, Trenton or Atlantic City. Head west from the turnpike and you'll see why its called the Garden State. It's certainly crowded in the Eastern half of the state and NJ is the most densely populated state. NJ is certainly one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse states in the country.

For all its problems, NJ had the second-largest number of millionaires per capita in the United States (ratio of 7.49%), according to a study by Phoenix Marketing International. It is ranked 2nd in the nation by the number of places with per capita incomes above national average with 76.4%. Nine of New Jersey's counties are in the wealthiest 100 of the country.

Some startling contrasts in NJ but I think it gets a poor reputation based on what people see from the Jersey Shore and Housewives TV series and the built up industry people see when passing through the state on the turnpike heading North or South. Most people never see the "garden" part of NJ.

The point of my original message was that even thought he apparently does not think too highly of NJ, thousands of UPS employees live and work there and call it home.

I consider New Jersey what it is, Pennsylvania's land fill. :D


Well-Known Member
Both are not entirely true. If you'd like to have actual studies on comparing the actual differences of the two as it pertains to healthcare, with actual data studied, then perhaps you should read this.

Just a snippet

In the final section of their paper, the authors consider several measures of the success of the two health care systems. The first and perhaps simplest measure is the level of satisfaction reported by patients. Americans are more likely to report that they are fully satisfied with the health services they have received and to rank the quality of care as excellent.

america has the most expensive healthcare in the world, and only gets mediocre results. you have 280 billion in billing fraud each year. it is the only lightly regulated privatized healthcare system in the world and a huge cost goes to just paying administration.

in my province, i have free choice of hospital and doctor, and i am in the only province that charges $70/mth. canadians rated the guy who supposedly gave us our healthcare system as teh "greatest canadian". actually unions in canada decided to push for healthcare for all, and unions in america pushed for healthcare for themselves.


Well-Known Member
america has the most expensive healthcare in the world, and only gets mediocre results. you have 280 billion in billing fraud each year. it is the only lightly regulated privatized healthcare system in the world and a huge cost goes to just paying administration.

in my province, i have free choice of hospital and doctor, and i am in the only province that charges $70/mth. canadians rated the guy who supposedly gave us our healthcare system as teh "greatest canadian". actually unions in canada decided to push for healthcare for all, and unions in america pushed for healthcare for themselves.

Seriously what about our country gives you such a hard on other then your country wishing it could be us?

You do nothing but complain about America. You don't live here. Seriously it makes no sense!! Find a hobby.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Seriously what about our country gives you such a hard on other then your country wishing it could be us?

You do nothing but complain about America. You don't live here. Seriously it makes no sense!! Find a hobby.
Canadians have a serious inferiority complex towards the United States. It's a shame because I often agree with many of their comparisons (my favorite is their claim of making better beer). There are many things to like about Canada and it's very easy to start to think that Canada might just be a better place to live but when I look at the overall picture, or the grand scheme of things, I always change my mind. And I guess it depends what one is wanting in a country. My attitude is that the US is still the best country to live in overall but there are definitely other countries that could be better if I'd be willing to give up things here (that help give the US that overall superiority) to go live there.


Well-Known Member
america has the most expensive healthcare in the world, and only gets mediocre results. you have 280 billion in billing fraud each year. it is the only lightly regulated privatized healthcare system in the world and a huge cost goes to just paying administration.

In Canada you'll most likely die before you ever get treated.

In 2013, Canadians, on average, faced a four and a half month wait for medically necessary treatment after referral by a general practitioner. This wait time is almost twice as long as it was in 1993 when national wait times were first measured.
Further, 25 percent of Canadians waited for four months or more for elective surgery.

In 2013, the average wait time for an MRI was over two months, while Canadians needing a CT scan waited for almost a month.

Dr. Brian Day, former head of the Canadian Medical Association recently noted that “delayed care often transforms an acute and potentially reversible illness or injury into a chronic, irreversible condition that involves permanent disability.”


Retired 23 years
i think canada is quite corrupt and were influenced by what goes on in america. ralph nader just told our prime minister to stop acting like w bush. canada is 1 of the leading countries trying to push the world off the climate cliff with the tar sands. and our weather stinks, where im from it rains / overcast 7 months a year. and our social policy is nothing exceptional, worse than EU. my grandma was born in poland, so when i get some dough im doing the citizenship by descent program and then im gonna move to france or italy.

The worst thing about Canada is that the beer & liquor prices are through the ceiling. The last time I went fishing in Canada a case of beer was like 52 bucks. (at that time the exchange rate was almost even).


Well-Known Member
The worst thing about Canada is that the beer & liquor prices are through the ceiling. The last time I went fishing in Canada a case of beer was like 52 bucks. (at that time the exchange rate was almost even).
Those silly canuks only have two things going for them, strip clubs and their wildlife.
Always felt like I was stepping back in time heading to Canada. It's (pretty much) just another large Northern state in America but behind the times by 10+ years.


Well-Known Member
Pension shopping.

PTers waiting to go FT could be impacted (forced to wait even longer to go FT)
What do you mean by pension shopping?

An employees total seniority time with UPS should not be effected. Their seniority time within the hub as for bidding new jobs/routes, I can understand would cause problems.

Allow employees to transfer, keep their total seniority with the company. As for the hourly pay change, go by the cost of living.


Well-Known Member
My projected pension is $5.4K/month, which is way above the national average among UPSers.

Hourly pay is roughly the same throughout the country----unlike FedEx, we do not have markets with the wages based on the COL of that area.