trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When did I vote to bring them in?

I know I never checked a box on the ballot that said, "Allow everyone into the US."

I am sure that was never on the ballot.

YES YOU DID. You were just an UNINFORMED voter, voting a party block, voting party ideals regardless if they were on the ballot or not. ITS YOUR responsibility to know what YOU are voting for.

Just because you dont see it on the ballot doesnt mean it wasnt there, all you had to do was look at the record, look at the history of the party, but then again, you only do as you are told and not what you think for yourself.

Every year its the same story with republican voters.

They complain about aliens, but still vote in the very people that bring them in.

Bush signed the anti child trafficking law into existence TWICE and so far, its allowed a couple hundred thousand central americans into this country now covered by your tax dollars, and yet, not a single WHINE from you.

Make up your mind, you either want to deport people or allow them to come in and get benefits.



Strength through joy
But Obama (D) stated that no illegals would be covered under the ACA .
Now it's been reported that they have .
How did a (R) do it ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
But Obama (D) stated that no illegals would be covered under the ACA .
Now it's been reported that they have .
How did a (R) do it ?

THE BUSH LAW MANDATES that they be covered by health insurance, job placement, relocation, education and transitioning.

If you are just HEARING about it, then you too, are an UNINFORMED voter. (like we thought otherwise)



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 14h14 hours ago

"@mikeliberation: This is the best reaction shot I've ever seen lol #Trump2016"


Inordinately Right
North Charleston, SC – Donald Trump closed his South Carolina campaign on Friday with a rambling speech highlighted by a giddy, almost childlike, enthusiasm for torturing and summarily executing the suspected enemies of America in the name of safety.

“He took fifty bullets, and he dipped them in pig’s blood,” Trump said. “And he had his men load his rifles and he lined up the fifty people, and they shot 49 of those people. And the fiftieth person he said ‘You go back to your people and you tell them what happened.’ And for 25 years there wasn’t a problem, okay?”

The story appears to be a hoax spread via e-mail forwards, according to rumor tracker,with no evidence it occurred.


The pope is OUT OF LINE !!
Since when is he a part of our election process?
Perhaps while he was in Mexico the past few days he should've asked Mexican authorities how they handle immigration.

Maybe the next time the process for the election of a new pope is underway, presidents and presidential candidates can throw their two cents in, and if so, I wonder if the Vatican would appreciate it.


Staff member
That was more a case of the airhead at MSNBC being ignorant of where Trump stood on issues. He answered honestly and correctly. It just wasn't the answer she wanted to hear.

He is close to Bernie on many issues. No surprise there.
Don't call Donald an airhead!


Staff member
I didn't. Did you think Bernie is an airhead too?
If Donald doesn't know the difference between himself and Bernie...well you figure it out. Or maybe he's so enamored of himself he doesn't even know there are other candidates. That is a real possibility.


nowhere special
If Donald doesn't know the difference between himself and Bernie...well you figure it out. Or maybe he's so enamored of himself he doesn't even know there are other candidates. That is a real possibility.

Donald knew the difference. MSNBC didn't. Did you expect better from that station. Or maybe you don't know the difference either?