trump 2016


Staff member
Maybe the next time the process for the election of a new pope is underway, presidents and presidential candidates can throw their two cents in, and if so, I wonder if the Vatican would appreciate it.
I doubt they would care. Not like American Catholics are all that responsive to the Vatican anyway except paying it lipservice.


nowhere special
I knew who she was talking about. She knew who she was talking about. Donald didn't.

That just shows neither you nor MSNBC know as much as you think you do. Trump answered correctly. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it that way on purpose to show how ignorant MSNBC was. It was supposed to be a trick question but he turned it around and used it against her.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If Donald doesn't know the difference between himself and Bernie...well you figure it out. Or maybe he's so enamored of himself he doesn't even know there are other candidates. That is a real possibility.
I could list some traits that most people share with Bernie, and I could list other traits share with Trump.

The only that proves is that MSNBC are sleazeballs.


Staff member
That just shows neither you nor MSNBC know as much as you think you do. Trump answered correctly. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it that way on purpose to show how ignorant MSNBC was. It was supposed to be a trick question but he turned it around and used it against her.
It wasn't a trick question at all. It isn't a secret at all that Trump is not now nor has he ever been a conservative. All she did (and Donald underscored) was just how far left he is. I'm fairly cold about this election anymore. Obama has proven to be exactly what he wanted to be; transformative president. Trump, Hillary, Sanders. What's the difference?


Staff member
That just shows neither you nor MSNBC know as much as you think you do. Trump answered correctly. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it that way on purpose to show how ignorant MSNBC was. It was supposed to be a trick question but he turned it around and used it against her.
If Republicans need to elect one of their own with an "R" behind his name to get the Obama/Sanders/Hillary agenda through an idiotic congress, what do I care. Hell, I might even change party affiliation. We might just get the R's back to being the "party of Lincoln" afterall. ;)


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You asked "Imwaitingfortheday".


Still prefer Hillary slightly.

Now, go back and read your posts and who they are directed to before making stupid remarks.
I am asking all the cowards that throw stones at Trump.

So far, I've yet to receive an answer from any of the chicken liberals, including you.

I noticed you didn't answer again.

Are you ashamed of who you support?

Or are you afraid of ridicule?


Staff member
I am asking all the cowards that throw stones at Trump.

So far, I've yet to receive an answer from any of the chicken liberals, including you.

I noticed you didn't answer again.

Are you ashamed of who you support?

Or are you afraid of ridicule?
Do you read?


Staff member
I asked you who you are supporting.

Are you not smart enough to answer, or not brave enough to answer?
Quote 2163 as quoted above claims that you asked previously who I was supporting.

Since you have referred to this post as the post where you asked me, clearly you are delusional or simply incapable of admitting you were wrong.