trump 2016


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Let's take your attacks one at a time.
1. Saddam Hussein- maybe Bush was just wrong. Even Democrats at that time were saying he had wmd's.
2. Iraq war- Bush pretty much won the war. It turned to a loss under Obama.
3. health care-Mandatory sup-par health care that gets worse every year. Republicans are right to want to repeal it.
4. Muslims- they are right to want a moratorium on Muslim immigration. They are responsible to up to 10 attacks a year.
5. birth certificates- Obama produced a photo-shopped bc. currently has a bc on there that can be opened by photo-shopping software. Real bc's are photocopies and can't be opened.
6. Benghazi-13 hours of calling for help, months and hundreds of e-mails asking Clinton for more security. Oh yeah, this is something you want to bring up?
7. Planned Parenthood-No american's tax money should go to an organization that kills people. Period.

You didn't really think about this, did you??
You just rattle of Hillary's campaigns talking points.

Let's see how this plays out for you.
Republican accountability = Oxymoron.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
republicans will soon be applying that accountability and fixing all the things Obama screwed up

oh yeah, this messed up economy we presently live in. You know the one, where gas prices are cheap, construction is all over the country, cranes are in every large city expanding, roads are being built and repaired, exports are rising, the stock market at all time highs, corporate profits at all time highs, 69 months of solid private sector job growth, 20 million people covered under the ACA when the republitards said there wouldnt be more than 2 million, homes being built again in record numbers, wages growing steadily....

Yeah, what a country.




Well-Known Member
oh yeah, this messed up economy we presently live in. You know the one, where gas prices are cheap, construction is all over the country, cranes are in every large city expanding, roads are being built and repaired, exports are rising, the stock market at all time highs, corporate profits at all time highs, 69 months of solid private sector job growth, 20 million people covered under the ACA when the republitards said there wouldnt be more than 2 million, homes being built again in record numbers, wages growing steadily....

Yeah, what a country.



you said something about fantasy land?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I am really enjoying how hard FOX news is trying to convince CARSON and KASICH to drop out of the race so Trump can be defeated.

They are using every show to suggest such, even to the candidates faces.

They are hoping TRUMP can be defeated it isnt even funny anymore..

The best part is, once they help out cruz or rubio, what then??

They will both lose to Hillary.


JL 0513

Well-Known Member
I am really enjoying how hard FOX news is trying to convince CARSON and KASICH to drop out of the race so Trump can be defeated.

They are using every show to suggest such, even to the candidates faces.

They are hoping TRUMP can be defeated it isnt even funny anymore..

The best part is, once they help out cruz or rubio, what then??

They will both lose to Hillary.


You seem to enjoy watching FOX. Personally they're way too establishment/liberal. Wish there was a conservative network.


Staff member
Job 8:22 - "Those who hate you will be clothed with shame, and the tent of the wicked will be no more.”
Psalm 9:17 - "The wicked shall return to Sheol, all the nations that forget God."
Psalm 34:21 - "Affliction will slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned."

I'm sure there's more, but I'm too lazy to keep looking.
Maybe the wicked aren't who we think they are.


Well-Known Member
'For some time, I have studied authoritarian attitudes among Americans. This December, under the auspices of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, I conducted a national poll measuring authoritarianism, along with more typical demographic and political factors. It found that, nationally, only authoritarian attitudes and fear of terrorism — not income, age, education, or even race — predict with statistical significance whether someone will support Trump.'

sounds like this guy wanted to tie his theory of authoritarianism in to the trump phenomena.


Staff member
'For some time, I have studied authoritarian attitudes among Americans. This December, under the auspices of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, I conducted a national poll measuring authoritarianism, along with more typical demographic and political factors. It found that, nationally, only authoritarian attitudes and fear of terrorism — not income, age, education, or even race — predict with statistical significance whether someone will support Trump.'

sounds like this guy wanted to tie his theory of authoritarianism in to the trump phenomena.
Kinda fits if you listen to Trump's speeches. All about what "we're gonna do" without any regard to how as if saying it with enough force or repeating it enough times will suddenly get it done. And if Mexico and China don't do as we say...TRADE WAR! Look, it's just not going to happen but it is what Trump supporters like to hear.


Well-Known Member
Kinda fits if you listen to Trump's speeches. All about what "we're gonna do" without any regard to how as if saying it with enough force or repeating it enough times will suddenly get it done. And if Mexico and China don't do as we say...TRADE WAR! Look, it's just not going to happen but it is what Trump supporters like to hear.

I think they just want some leadership after a 7 year void on that trait.