trump 2016


Inordinately Right
But it'd not fair to the kids that workout 24/7 that little Johnny that has no talent gets a trophy too.

Is it??
Depends, there's always the most improved trophy.
All I'm saying is this whole trophy thing is bs, I grew up in the early 90's and every kid got a trophy. Baby boomers are the ones to blame, coincidentally they're the ones complaining about it.


Fight the power.

I was a starter both ways on a championship football team my sophomore year. I dressed varsity as a freshman. I am well aware of the "sports game".
Nope, only as far as I think every person should get every opportunity. I also think that if someone needs lifetime care for being 'Special', they should get that, with dignity.

You seem to want to restrict that to only those people someone who you agree with deems 'worthy'.

Would you provide Special Education and care for life for those affected in Flint, MI?
So you are saying the needs of the one out way the needs of the many?

We only have so many resources.