trump 2016


Inordinately Right
No,not at all.
Should your child that was never designed to be an athlete be allowed on a sports team?
Yes, they're kids, not professional athletes. Sports are important for developing multiple skills in kids. I'm not saying they have to be on the "A" team or whatever, but ya, kids should be able to play sports even if they suck at them.
That would probably be more entertaining then the current NFL lol.
But if you actually read my post, you'd see I pointed out that kids aren't professional athletes, it's supposed to be for fun and to develop skills. I feel sorry for the kids who's parents treat pewee football like the NFL.
But it'd not fair to the kids that workout 24/7 that little Johnny that has no talent gets a trophy too.

Is it??


Well-Known Member
I have zero problems with letting them play...just don't smoke up their ass and tell them they are the best

You disagree?
Nope, only as far as I think every person should get every opportunity. I also think that if someone needs lifetime care for being 'Special', they should get that, with dignity.

You seem to want to restrict that to only those people someone who you agree with deems 'worthy'.

Would you provide Special Education and care for life for those affected in Flint, MI?